Ambassador explains US AMLO decision on Biden


(CNN Español) – Martha Bárcena, Mexico’s ambassador to the United States, posted on her Twitter account that, at the instructions of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, she provided an explanation to US interlocutors regarding the Mexican government’s decision not to congratulate US President-elect Joe Biden.

Bárcena explained that the decision is based on the principle of prohibition of intervention established by Mexican law. He added that the congratulations will take place once the post-election conflicts are resolved and the US authorities will officially recognize the winner.

According to the diplomat, Mexico has expressed its respect for US politics, including the Democratic and Republican parties. And also virtual (“potential”) president-elect Joe Biden and President Donald Trump.

On November 7, when Joe Biden got enough electoral votes to be considered president-elect of the United States, the Mexican president said he would wait until his victory was official to express congratulations, advocating Mexico’s respect for that election process. nation.

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