Almagro recognizes his role in the 2019 coup in Bolivia


The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, acknowledged his role in the coup in Bolivia that caused the forced departure of the government of former president, Evo Morales, Telesur reported on its website. Monday.

Through the book “Luis Almagro does not ask for forgiveness”, the representative of the international organization tells how he supported Morales to run for re-election in 2019 “to earn his trust”.

The text is the result of over 100 interviews and 20 hours in Almagro in which his political career is described. Among the most significant political events reported is the strategy to “unseat Evo Morales” by convincing the United States to ally with his position to go against the Venezuelan government or his support for Dilma Rouseff.

The authors of the book show that Almagro’s role in Morales’ departure was part of a premeditated strategy, which began in 2017 and culminated in the OAS Election Observation Mission to present alleged irregularities in the counting of votes in 2019 and thus preventing the re-election of the president, who encouraged the military coup perpetrated.

Regarding Evo Morales and the 2019 elections, Almagro stressed that “we opened a possibility that was for Evo to win legitimately. It was the cost of that. For me it was impossible, impossible. Evo also had fewer votes than he had in the referendum, so he had no shape. Then we opened the possibility that the Bolivian opposition legitimately won. And we have closed the possibility of Evo stealing the elections ”.

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