After the announcement: Trump wants to withdraw soldiers – missiles are flying towards the US embassy in Iraq


Donald Trump wants to reduce the strength of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Shortly after the announcement, there were missile attacks on the US embassy in Iraq.

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According to media reports, there was a missile attack on the US embassy in Iraq on Tuesday evening.

According to media reports, there was a missile attack on the US embassy in Iraq on Tuesday evening.


Current US President Donald Trump had previously ordered the withdrawal of additional US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.

Current US President Donald Trump had previously ordered the withdrawal of additional US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.


The United States withdraws some of its soldiers from Afghanistan and Iraq. The defense ministry said on Tuesday troops in Afghanistan would drop from 4,500 to 2,500 by January 15. 500 soldiers are to be withdrawn from Iraq, which would mean 2500 would be stationed there. National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien said President Donald Trump hopes all US soldiers from both states can be brought home by May.

Shortly after the announcement, according to the media, there was a missile attack on the US embassy in Baghdad. AFP reporters on the spot reported several loud explosions. The missile defense system of the US embassy is also said to have been used. A total of four rockets are said to have been launched into the Green Zone in Baghdad.

Trump spoke on Twitter in October about the complete withdrawal of all troops from Afghanistan by Christmas. Last week he fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper and named Christopher Miller in his place. He wrote to American soldiers over the weekend that it was “time to go home”. The announcements also caused unrest among colleagues in Trump’s party. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell warned Tuesday of major changes to US defense policy in the coming months. He expressly rejected a “sharp reduction” of troop contingents in Afghanistan or Iraq.


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