Attack on AfD-Magnitz: now it's clear where the wounds come from
The attack on an afD politician in the city of northern Germany in Bremen has been in discussion for days. First it was said that Frank Magnitz had been brutally attacked by a crowd and beaten with a log – only an intervening craftsman could save the man.
Then the police released the surveillance video and it became clear: it was not a matter of putting together a trunk and a craftsman who had to intervene. Rather, he was pushed by a man approaching from behind, checking his elbow to the ground.
Search video: Attack on AFD politician Magnitz
And now the legal medical opinion about AfDlers injuries has been published. The conclusion: Magnitz's wounds derive from his fall. The collision was a pinch of cracks and abrasions to the skin on the head, according to Spiegel Online responsible forensic science.
It is the point of the head on which it is normally hit when it falls. Extensive skin abrasions also speak based on the relationship for a fall. For this purpose, Spiegel continues online, Magnitz suffered an eye injury, which arose during the impact, because the glasses were pressing on the eye.
The AFD of Bremer had written a few hours after the attack in a press release, the perpetrators had struck Magnitz unconscious with a squared wood and then kicked against Magnitz's head, since this had been on the ground . To date, little is true about this representation. (AEG)
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