A woman discovered she had been observed by a man obsessed with going to work. What the mechanic has discovered


A mechanic discovered a GPS tracking device under a customer's car, reports The Guardian.

Article of the article A woman found out that she was being watched by an obsessed man after she went to work with her. What the mechanic has discovered

A woman discovered she had been observed by a man obsessed with going to work. What the mechanic has discovered

The investigation revealed that the device was mounted by Nigel Lamberth, a man who has long harassed the car owner, whose name has not been made public.

According to court documents, the victim was forced to give up work and move home to escape the fifty years of Lamberth. He sent him many letters and parcels.

At the man's home, lawmakers discovered a taser and a receipt for the GPS tracking device.

Nigel Lamberth, of Leeds, was sentenced to 2 years and 11 months in prison. The man had been convicted in a similar case.

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