A UK study reveals that antibodies have decreased in the population


THEs antibodies to the new coronavirus decreased in the population britanica over the summer, a study released this Monday reveals.

Scientists from Imperial College London, while monitoring antibody levels in the population britanica (more than 365,000 people selected randomly) after the first wave of infections of Covid-19 inches March is Aprilfound that their prevalence dropped by 6% by the end of June at only 4.4% in September.

Although immunity to the new coronavirus is a complex subject and can be aided by T lymphocytes, as well as B lymphocytes which can stimulate rapid antibody production after re-exposure to the virus, the researchers say. protection after infection it may not be as long-lasting as previously thought.

“We still don’t know if this will put these people at risk reinfection with the virus it causes Covid-19, but it is essential that everyone continues to follow the guidelines to reduce the risk to themselves and others, “said Helen Ward of Imperial College London, in a statement quoted by CNN.

Note that Imperial’s results have not yet been peer-reviewed.

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