A reported man who disappeared in Arauca was reunited with his sister 35 years later


A man who was reported missing after fleeing the Arauca department at the age of 25 after receiving threats, 35 years later he reunited with his relatives in the same place where one day he left everything to save his life.

The gentleman’s sister lost track of him in 1985 when he escaped to avoid being recruited by illegal groups.

They received constant threats, so they didn’t go to the authorities and it was only until this year that hope was revived thanks to the Missing Persons Search Unit.

“With the unit’s humanitarian and extrajudicial work, we were able to find where it is,” says Luz Marina Monzón, team director.

“I am grateful to be responsible for my little brother,” says the sister.

“I am happy. And my family, I see that they are happy because they found me because they had already made me disappear or die,” says the man.

Although these siblings can no longer go back in time, it is time to share again as a family.

“It is a horizon of great hope, of great enthusiasm and of great potential for the humanitarian faculty to find people missing from the armed conflict,” adds Mozón.

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