A historic presidency


Americans know that in a world where others seek to conquer and dominate, our country must be strong materially and spiritually. This is why the United States firmly defends its own traditions and customs that have made us who we are today. Like my country, each nation represented here values ​​its history, culture and heritage, which it defends and celebrates, and this is a unique source of power.

The free world must accept its national foundation. You don’t have to deny it or replace it.

Looking everywhere on this beautiful planet, it’s easy to see one truth: if you want freedom, be proud of your country. If you want democracy, keep your sovereignty. If you want peace, love your nation. Wise leaders have always put people and the country first.

The future does not belong to the globalists. The future belongs to the patriots. The future belongs to the sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors and respect the differences that make each country special and unique.“President Donald Trump said in September 2019 before the United Nations General Assembly.

President Trump’s remarks after the change of US administration will also resonate. No, we might say, if we look at the members of the future administration. Yes, but says Pat Buchanan, for whom the Trump presidency was historic.

In the first two decades of the 21st century, the now elected president Joe Biden nominated for the portfolio of Secretary of State supported the US wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen. He was a liberal interventionist. Antony Blinken himself can now spend his early years as secretary of state trying to free the country from the illegitimate wars it fought before. Democrats like Biden and Blinken will now undo what they did during their previous administrations“, Writes Pat Buchanan.

“Who caused this huge change in national thinking?

Donald Trump. Much of what was said and thought before it came to the fore in 2015 is no longer said or believed by most Americans.

And no institution has changed more than the Republican Party.

George HW Bush’s vision of the “New World Order”, launched with the victory in the Gulf War, died with his presidency. George W. Bush’s crusade for global democracy to “defeat the tyranny of the world” has been forgotten. Bush Republicans no longer have a say in the party’s foreign policy, trade policy and immigration.

NATO will not be the same after Trump vehemently asked the nations that received free security to pay their share of the collective defense, otherwise the Americans will pack their bags and leave Europe.

The former Pentagon chief, General James Mattis, may attempt to bury the “America First” slogan. He will not succeed. Because this national motto and foreign policy motto has taken root in American soil, because it is in line with the wishes of the silent majority.

Whatever the system thinks, globalism has been defeated in America in its confrontation with nationalism.

Furthermore, the same thing happens all over the world.

Doesn’t Xi Jinping put his country first when he claims islands hundreds of miles off the coast of China, in the East China Sea and the South China Sea? Doesn’t Vladimir Putin put his country first when trying to bring the former USSR republics back under the wing of Moscow? Doesn’t President Erdogan put Turkey first when he sends arms and troops in support of his country’s interests to Libya, Syria, Cyprus, the Southern Caucasus and the Eastern Mediterranean, where he faces Greece? What else could be in the first place for Bibi Netanyahu if not her country, Israel?

If the country and the people weren’t first in the hearts and minds of Americans, what else could it be? The absence of the New Global Order? UN? BORN? A bunch of global institutions?

Under Trump, economic nationalism replaced free trade globalism as the party and government’s trade policy.

The elite of the Republican Party that supported Bill Clinton at the initiative of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the one that supported a new World Transnational Trade Organization, that invited China to join this club, the one that has given Beijing the most favored nation clause, this whole elite has been silenced now.

Free trade fundamentalism, which has been the dogma from Dwight Eisenhower to this day, has been replaced by tariffs that force open markets and punish predators who profit from American workers.

The Republican Party will not return to free trade as long as “China First” remains China’s undeclared policy, which today has brought us down from the top of the world’s economies.

The Republican Party of George Bush and John McCain was for the amnesty of illegal immigrants. Today’s Republican Party is for their deportation and for the Trump wall on the border with Mexico.

Trump won the ideological struggle in the Republican Party, and this victory was validated in the 2020 election. Trump lost to the limit in the states that brought him presidency four years ago, but brought 10 million new voters to the Party. Republican, he retained a Republican majority in the Senate and narrowed the gap with Democrats in the House of Representatives. These are unprecedented results for a president who loses an election.

Trump did not establish the new relationship with Russia he had promised, nor did he end the endless wars in the Middle East. But the US is now very close to withdrawing from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

Who can believe that the Bush Republicans and those against Trump can still represent the future of this party, when we look at the gut reactions of millions of Americans and the idea that Trump can admit defeat in this election? Once things settle down, Trump’s achievements will begin to be recognized.

He reduced taxes and simplified federal law, managed to achieve the lowest unemployment rate, even among black Americans and ethnic and racial minorities. He managed to change the configuration of the Supreme Court and get a constitutional majority of 6-3 here, something no president has succeeded in.

He crushed ISIS in Syria and removed the caliphate from there. He withdrew the US from the Paris climate agreement, the nuclear deal with Iran and the World Health Organization. The “Operation Warp Speed” initiative he launched has helped produce, in less than a year, two vaccines against the most dangerous pandemic of the last century. And it took the Dow Jones index to 30,000.

It’s an impressive record, but the press elite will never admit it“.

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