A Romanian pastor killed two Italian pensioners. The reason why the Sicilian mafia swore revenge


Florin Scurtu, a 22-year-old man, has long worked for a wealthy Sicilian family that owns several flocks of sheep. Employed as a shepherd, the Romanian one day, at the beginning of June, came into conflict with the neighbors who owned a nearby field, the brothers Filippo and Calogero La Monaca.

The two reproached the Romanian that the animals had entered their land, and Scurtu did not remain in debt and answered them in the same aggressive tone. However, things seemed to calm down on their own, until one day the two brothers were found out of breath, 100 meters apart.

According to the newspaper La Repubblica, one of them had his head crushed and the other’s body lay charred at a considerable distance, next to a car.

The mobsters have sworn revenge

In the first phase, investigators thought they were dealing with a Mafia-style fight. Especially since the two brothers were part of an old La Monaca family, a well-known mafia family, not at all unrelated to the violence that took place in the area, starting from the 80s and 90s.

Filippo and Calogero were influential members of a Sicilian clan, which even more alarmed the policemen who expected a real war between the mafia families in the area.

But the research led them to another track, initially in the background. This is how the violent quarrel between the Romanian pastor and the two brothers turned out, so Florin Scurtu was brought to the hearings. The portal of the Wide angle writes that the Romanian would have admitted his guilt.

Furthermore, after examining the telephone records of the victims and the suspect, but also of the images recorded by the local video surveillance systems, it was found that the Romanian was present on June 14, 2019 at the crime scene.

He is now accused of the death of his two brothers and is in the prison of Caltanissetta. But his problems don’t end there. Mafia clan members have also announced that they will avenge their deaths, so Scurtu may have other problems than he already has with the Italian judiciary.

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