Coronavirus: Joe Biden warns of another 250 thousand deaths in the United States


Joe Biden is not yet in office; he should not be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States until January 20. It assumes official activity in the middle of winter and probably at the height of the current crown wave. In view of the virus situation, the US president-elect warned Americans of a dramatic rise in death rates and urged them to take protective measures.

“I don’t want to scare anyone, but understand the facts – we’re likely to lose another 250,000 people between now and January,” Biden said Wednesday (local time) at an online event featuring employees and small business owners. ‘Do you understand me? Because people are not careful. «The spread of the virus must be contained.

Biden did not provide any information on what he based his estimate of another 250,000 deaths. According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, the coronavirus has killed more than 270,000 people in the United States since the start of the pandemic.

A model by researchers from the IHME Institute of the University of Washington in Seattle estimates that more than 502,000 deaths by the end of January in the case of relaxed protective measures and more than 367,000 in the case of stricter protective measures. This model has also been mentioned several times in the past by the White House.

“December, January and February will be difficult”

The head of the CDC health authority, Robert Redfield, said Wednesday at a US Chamber of Commerce event: “Unfortunately, I believe we could be close to 450,000 virus deaths before February.” the extent to which Americans adhered to protective measures. “The reality is: December, January and February will be tough. In fact, I believe they will be the most difficult times in this nation’s public health history. “

In the official residence of outgoing President Donald Trump, despite warnings from the CDC, celebrations are taking place over the Christmas period, the White House spokesperson clarified Wednesday. The celebrations are held responsibly and with protective measures, he stressed. Trump has repeatedly downplayed the threat posed by the virus.

More than 100,000 coronary patients in US hospitals

The number of new infections in the United States had recently continued to rise, with the number of deaths per crown recorded within 24 hours reaching a new high from mid-April to 2597 on Tuesday. Overall, more than 13.7 million people have been infected with the corona virus in the country with approximately 330 million inhabitants. Since the start of the pandemic, more than 270,000 people infected with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 have died. In absolute terms, it is more than in any other country in the world.

The number of Covid 19 patients treated as hospitalized patients is also at an all-time high in the United States. According to the Covid Tracking Project on Wednesday evening, more than 100,000 patients had to be treated in hospital for the first time nationwide. CDC head Redford also justified his urgent warning with the strain on the health system in the United States.

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