Utah: The metal monolith is gone – photos and videos apparently show the distance


A mysterious metal pillar that first appeared and then disappeared in Utah has sparked wild speculation. Records have now been published showing how the monolith was removed. Photographer Ross Bernards tells on Facebook and Instagram that he experienced how four men overturned the object during a night and fog operation last week and hauled it away in a wheelbarrow.

Bernards said he went to the metal pillar with friends on Friday night to take pictures. Suddenly four men appeared, two of whom overturned the column. “That’s why you don’t leave the garbage in the desert,” said one of the men, according to Bernards. A photo published by Bernards shows men apparently equipped with headlights at the column lying on the floor.

Before removing the object, the strangers turned to Bernards: “One of them turned to us and said: ‘Leave no trace’. It was at 20:48”

Next, an athlete named Andy Lewis posted a YouTube video titled “We removed the monolith from Utah.” It shows shots similar to Bernardo’s, as well as a short sequence showing the metal column being carried away in a wheelbarrow. Lewis did not provide further information.

The three-and-a-half-meter tall metal column was accidentally discovered from the air in mid-November amidst red rocks in southern Utah while counting sheep. The discovery led to several and not always very serious speculations about the object’s origin and meaning on the internet – from alien work to science fiction movie fans to a reset button for the 2020 Corona year.

Some suspected that the column may have been the work of US artist John McCracken, who died in 2011 and had lived in neighboring New Mexico for some time. His son told the New York Times that his father had told him in 2002 that he would like to leave his artwork in remote locations for “later discovery”.

The US authorities had not disclosed the exact location of the column to keep viewers away. However, a user of the Reddit online platform was able to determine the location based on the rock formations in the background.

On Saturday, the Utah Land Administration said it received “credible reports” that the column had been removed by strangers the night before. Authorities said they did not remove the column because it was “private property”.

Icon: the mirror

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