2020 US Elections – US Attorney General Barr Finds No Evidence of Election Fraud – News



Donald Trump complains that his electoral victory was “stolen” by fraud. His Minister of Justice now contradicts.

According to US Attorney General William Barr, the US Department of Justice has so far found no evidence of large-scale election fraud, as US President Donald Trump has repeatedly stated. “We haven’t seen any fraud to an extent that could have led to a different election result,” said Barr of the AP news agency, contradicting Trump, who is trying to contest the election result with a wave of lawsuits.

Barr said he didn’t consider “cheating” enough to invalidate Joe Biden’s presidential victory. “There have been reports of systematic fraud that the voting machines were programmed to fake election results,” he said. But the Ministries of Internal Security and Justice “have made investigations and for the moment have found nothing to support”.

Donald Trump on Sunday blamed the Department of Justice and the Federal Police FBI for not helping him in his fight to prove fraud.

Trump’s lawyers talk about evidence

In early November, contrary to custom, Barr authorized federal lawyers to investigate suspected fraud without waiting for states to confirm the findings. However, he asked them to intervene only in the case of “substantial” and “credible” allegations.

Trump’s attorneys rejected Barr’s portrait. There was “no hint” of an investigation by the Department of Justice, Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis announced: “We have collected extensive evidence of illegal voting in at least six states.”

The ministry did not check this evidence and testimony. Barr appears to have formed his mind “without any knowledge or investigation of material irregularities and evidence of systematic fraud.”

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