Bernd W. (51): Trier driving a madman was a loner who lived in an SUV


51-year-old Bernd W. ran over several people in the city center of Trier. Four died, including one child. The bandit’s neighbors describe him as a “strange individual”.

  • At least four people were killed in a rampage in central Trier, including a nine-month-old baby.

  • The driver was arrested and the car was impounded.

  • The gunman was a 51-year-old German Bernd W.

  • According to neighbors, W. lived in his SUV and spent his days in a kebab shop.

A terrorist attack or politically motivated act seems to be ruled out: German authorities have no evidence of a political background for the Trier incident with at least four dead and several injured. The driver of the car who has surprised several people in the pedestrian zone is therefore not classified as a hazard.

However, the driver was very specific about his victims. Rhineland-Palatinate Interior Minister Roger Lewentz said in a press conference on Tuesday evening: “The zigzag lines were chosen specifically to search for people and hurt them.”

According to “Focus”, the alleged gunman is 51-year-old Bernd W. Neighbors had identified the man based on the license plate number of his SUV. A witness also said he recognized Bernd W.’s shoes in the arrest photo. “That’s why I know it was him – definitely.”

“He lived all day and drank”

A neighbor who has watched young Bernd W. grow up for years describes him as a “strange individual”. “But I often heard him scream when there was an argument at home. He was short-tempered, at times aggressive, ”the witness said. Another woman said, “He was weird, but I wouldn’t have believed him.”

After selling his parents’ house, W. moved out of the Trier-Saarburg district. Several people who knew him said he had moved home and worked as an electrician. W. was recently unemployed and living in his silver SUV.

He had a girlfriend who was much older than him. “He lived all day and drank. That was his life, ”described a local resident. Within a year W. had spent all the money from the sale of the house.

Bernd W. is also rumored to have had a drink at the kebab shop in his home community on Tuesday. “He drank with his doner kebab gear. He tore himself off, jumped into his car and went to Trier, “an acquaintance told” Focus “.

W. posted a farewell saying on Facebook

It is not yet clear whether W. had psychological problems. Residents in nearby Zewen claim, however, that the 51-year-old had an “unstable personality”. “He has been beaten by his father since childhood and this has not escaped him.”

Shortly before his rampage, W. posted a goodbye saying on Facebook: “My tombstone should read: save tears, where were you when I was alive?”

“The blackest day in Trier after the Second World War”

The shock in the German city of Trier is profound on Tuesday evening. During Bernd Ws’ rampage, four people were killed, including a nine-month-old baby. Trier Mayor Wolfram Leibe said: “It is the blackest day in Trier since the Second World War”.

The gunman hit people with an SUV and hit them. Leibe: «I just walked downtown and it was terrible. It was a horror show. There’s a sneaker there … the girl accompanying them is dead. “

Lord Mayor Leibe thanked the emergency services. There were about 700 helpers in action after the fatal trip to central Trier, he said. It is not obvious that the offender can be caught after a few minutes.

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Trier police managed to capture Bernd W. (51) shortly after his rampage.

Trier police managed to capture Bernd W. (51) shortly after his rampage.

Twitter screenshot

In the evening, the hitman's car was taken away.

In the evening, the hitman’s car was taken away.


According to police, the dead included a nine-month-old baby and a 72-year-old woman.

According to police, the dead included a nine-month-old baby and a 72-year-old woman.


“He didn’t honk, he just accelerated”

An eyewitness told Focus: “I saw countless people jumping to the side, over 30 people lying in the street, some of them motionless. The car drove at a speed of between 70 and 80 kilometers per hour. The city center was very busy. From behind it looked like an SUV, it could have been a jeep. ”Another passerby said the car also captured the children.

In February, a 29-year-old German purposely drove his car through the crowd in Volkmarsen in northern Hesse. Dozens of people were injured.

In 2019, a 50-year-old beat people on New Year’s Eve in Bottrop. He was admitted to closed psychiatry.

In 2018, a man ran in a group with his camper in Münster and five people died. The perpetrator shot himself, investigators assume mental illness.

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