Nuclear physicist killed: Iran chases four men after killing nuclear physicist


After Iranian nuclear physicist Mohsen Fachrisadeh was killed on the street, the whole country is now apparently looking for the perpetrators. The Iranian secret service apparently knows their identity.

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Iranian nuclear researcher Mohsen Fachrisadeh was killed on Friday in a suburb of Tehran.

Iranian nuclear researcher Mohsen Fachrisadeh was killed on Friday in a suburb of Tehran.


There have been mixed reports of how the attack went.  Some media reports the involvement of a killer team totaling 62 people.  The Iranian news agency Fars, on the other hand, writes that Fachrisadeh was hit by a remote-controlled machine gun mounted on a car.  After the attack, the car exploded.

There have been mixed reports of how the attack went. Some media reports the involvement of a killer team totaling 62 people. The Iranian news agency Fars, on the other hand, writes that Fachrisadeh was hit by a remote-controlled machine gun mounted on a car. After the attack, the car exploded.


Photos of four men are making the rounds (pixel-free) on Twitter - and in Iran itself.  Apparently, the Iranian secret services assume they are behind the attack.  The photos were distributed to hotels across the country, according to an Iranian journalist.
Photos of four men are making the rounds (pixel-free) on Twitter – and in Iran itself. Apparently, the Iranian secret services assume they are behind the attack. The photos were distributed to hotels across the country, according to an Iranian journalist. Twitter
  • Photos apparently circulate in Iran of four men who are said to have killed a nuclear physicist.

  • Mohsen Fachrisadeh was killed in an attack on Friday.

  • Hardliners in the country are demanding revenge.

  • But this is exactly what President Hassan Ruhani wants to avoid.

After the fatal attack on Iranian nuclear physicist and missile expert Mohsen Fachrisadeh, Iran is said to be looking for four suspected suspects. The tweeted Iranian journalist Mohamed Ahwaze, who lives in London, late Sunday evening.

Israeli media taped early Monday morning and reported that Iranian intelligence agents were distributing photos of the four men to hotels across the country and demanding that they report immediately if anyone recognized the men. According to journalist Ahwaze, border controls with northern Iraq have also been tightened. The four men are believed to have tried to escape Iran in this way.

Almost simultaneously, the Iranian news agency Fars reported that the identity of the attackers was known to the Iranian secret services. The information will soon be shared with the public.

Burial with family members and generals

63-year-old atomic physicist Fachrisadeh was killed on Friday in a suburb of Tehran. The Iranian leadership blames “local mercenaries” of the US and Israel for the attack.

Fachrisadeh was buried on Monday in the capital Tehran. The ceremony was broadcast live on state television. Due to the crown crisis, only family members of the physicist and high-ranking generals were allowed to attend the funeral.

“Our enemies know that no crime in Iran will go unanswered and unpunished,” Defense Minister Amir Hatami said in praise. The “terrorists” should also know that being a martyr in Iran is an honor. The fatal attack will not stop the progress of the Iranian nuclear program, as Fachrisadeh’s path will be continued “even more consistently” by Iranian scientists.

It called for the attack on the Israeli city of Haifa

Hardliners in the country are demanding revenge for the murder of the nuclear physicist. Your spokesperson, the Kejhan newspaper, even calls for a military attack on the Israeli port city of Haifa. President Hassan Ruhani, however, warns against a drastic reaction, as this is exactly what the attackers wanted to do to provoke a new conflict with Iran.

“We already knew in advance that the last few weeks could be difficult for our enemies and that they would do everything possible to prevent any change in world politics,” said President Ruhani. By “enemies” he means US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with the last few weeks missing from Trump’s departure and Joe Biden taking office on January 20, 2021.

Trump’s Middle East strategy is at stake

For Trump, his entire Middle Eastern strategy is at stake, which involves a reorganization of the region including the strengthening of Israel and the suppression of Iranian influence. After his electoral defeat, Trump asked the US media about options for military action against Iran. Tehran interpreted this as Trump’s attempt to block any rapprochement between a Biden government and Ruhani’s team in advance. “The assassination of Fachrisadeh shouldn’t hinder Iran’s war potential, it should hinder diplomacy,” tweeted former director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Mark Fitzpatrick, a US expert on nuclear non-proliferation.

The great hope of Ruhani and his reformers is that the United States will return to the nuclear deal under Biden. “This is an opportunity that we shouldn’t miss,” warns the president. Because then Iran could free itself from the constraints of US sanctions and would have the opportunity to overcome the severe economic crisis. This is in the national interest and should not be challenged for internal and party political considerations, Ruhani says.

But it will be difficult for Ruhani to convince hardliners and especially the powerful Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) of his ideas. In addition to revenge, hardliners also have long-term goals in mind: in Iran, a new president will be elected on June 18, 2021. Ruhani cannot run again after two terms. Who will be his successor also depends on the future US foreign policy.

Nuclear physicist Mohsen Fachrisadeh was a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and an expert in missile manufacturing. According to information from the Iranian news agency Fars, the Israeli secret services have been trying to eliminate him for years. Most recently, Fachrisadeh headed the Department of Defense Research and Technology Renewal.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu highlighted this in spring 2018 during a presentation on Iran’s nuclear program. “Take note of this name: Fachrisadeh,” Netanyahu said at the time. Iranian Foreign Minister Sarid has now appealed on Twitter to the European Union in particular to “abandon its shameful double standards and condemn this act of state terror”.

Israel and Iran are bitter enemies. The collapse of Israel and the “liberation of Palestine” are part of the foreign policy doctrine of the Islamic Republic. The existence of the Jewish state is threatened by Shia Iran and its nuclear program.

(gux / sda)

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