Crown in the United States: Incredible Scenes: Rules Don’t Matter: 7,000 People Celebrate a Giant Secret Wedding


A mega wedding took place in New York. About 7,000 people celebrated, danced and sang. The mayor was horrified. But that wasn’t the only offense.

  • The United States is one of the countries it is also located in second wave * the strongest of the Crown*-Pandemic they are affected.
  • restrictions he should keep the situation under control.
  • Celebrate again and again Thousands at weddings – without space or mask.
  • Now New York is taking an unexpected step (see update November 29, 19:01).

Update from November 29, 7:01 pm: A little later it became known that in early November thousands of people in New York get close to one huge wedding celebrated, the next one arrives Crown notification from the Big Apple: despite the increase in numbers, the public Elementary schools Reopening in the US metropolis will soon be allowed. Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Sunday that the plan would be implemented from 7 December.

The city is turning around and abandoning its self-imposed rules. Self three or more percent of corona tests are positive, schools should actually have remained closed. But the requirement drew huge criticism. Because while educational institutions had to close, they were allowed Indoor restaurants too keep running. The city government has apparently bowed to this pressure. However, schools for older children remain closed.

“What we look forward to in the coming weeks in December unfortunately we expect one new wave it could have – in addition to the wave we are already in, “said the famous virologist Anthony Fauci the television broadcaster NBC regarding the development of the crown numbers in the whole United States of America. According to him, the situation will continue to worsen. It is not too late to take countermeasures, but because of Holidays and more travel A further increase in new infections can be expected.

Corona in the USA: incredible scenes in New York – wedding with almost 7,000 guests

First report of 29 November: New York – Incredible scenes from a synagogue in New York: Thousands of wedding guestswho are crowded into the synagogue, celebrate in the galleries, hopping and singing to the newlyweds in the center. distance? Nothing is almost none of the guests wear a mask. The recordings that have been made 8. November caused horror among many responsible people. “This was extremely irresponsible, simply unacceptable”City Mayor Bill de Blasio said. But that wasn’t the only contempt for regulations.

Corona: wedding celebration in a confined space – nearly 7,000 people celebrate – planning like the CIA

The Planning the wedding she seemed thought out down to the last detail and careful not to attract attention. Planning in secret. “In a few weeks the organizers worked closely together to organize everything in the best possible way. Any announcements regarding the upcoming celebration orally broadcast without written notice, without posters in the synagogue, without email invitations and without publication in a newspaper “, quoted the NYPost a Jewish newspaper that made the plans public after the celebration.

It is not possible to determine exactly how many people flocked to the synagogue on November 8. However, the religious site has a total capacity of 7,000 people and the images and videos available for NYPost show: The synagogue appeared to be full – People are close.

Guests at the wedding reception cheer and hug. None of them wear a mask.

© NYPost Video Screenshot

Corona: celebration of marriage with nearly 7000 people – indignant leaders

“Let’s be clear: Indoor meetings of this size are unacceptable And you are offensive to all the sacrifices New Yorkers have made to their families and neighbors COVID-19 to protect, “said Mitch Schwartz, a clerk in the mayor’s office across from the NYPost.” The city carries out a large number of inspections every day, “he explains. He couldn’t explain how such a large and Non-compliance with Corona rules * it cannot be discovered.

Because of the high Crown numbers (November 28: nearly 156,000 new infections per day) also apply in United States of America numerous limitations, including those on contacts. In addition, there is a maximum number of participants of half the capacity of the hall at religious gatherings. It is necessary to maintain a distance of six feet (1.8 meters) between members of different families. If this is not possible, a Mask requirementaccording to NYPost.

Corona: After incredible scenes at a wedding party – further non-compliance with Corona regulations

The Brooklyn synagogue is now under threat Fine of $ 15,000. “We don’t want to do that, but we have to be very, very clear that we can’t allow people to do something that dangerous,” explained de Blasio.

But the Mass event on November 8th it was not the only violation of a religious event Corona guidelines. The city managed to dissolve a wedding that was planned before the celebration on November 8. There were 10,000 guests expected. And at the end of November, according to the NYPost, numerous people again celebrated a Jewish wedding and ignored the rules on fighting the Crown *. (chd) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

Rubriklistenbild: © nypost Video Screenshot

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