Trump said world leaders complained about the election results


  • President Donald Trump has suggested to Fox Business that several world leaders have backed his baseless claims of election fraud.
  • Neither Trump nor the White House have offered any evidence of such conversations.
  • Numerous world leaders congratulated and recognized Joe Biden as president-elect, almost immediately after the competition was called for him.
  • World leaders who had previously allied with Trump – including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson – also recognized Biden’s victory.
  • Visit the Business Insider home page for more stories.

President Donald Trump on Sunday suggested that world leaders are backing his baseless claim of election fraud, despite many of them already congratulating President-elect Joe Biden on his victory weeks ago.

“There are leaders from countries who call me and say, ‘This is the most messed up election we’ve ever seen,'” he said. She said, speaking with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo.

Trump has provided no evidence to support his claim that the leaders would call him and express their support. Furthermore, the White House has not released any transcripts of those conversations.

Immediately after Joe Biden was declared the winner of the presidential race, several world leaders made contact with him or congratulated him on his victory. Among them was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who had previously linked with Trump and became regarded as one of his closest international allies.

“Congratulations Joe Biden and Kamala Harris”, Netanyahu tweeted. “Joe, we have had a long and warm personal relationship for nearly 40 years and I know you as a great friend of Israel. I look forward to working with both of you to further strengthen the special alliance between the US and Israel.”

In the days following Biden’s announcement of victory, the heavyweight governments of Russia, North Korea and China were particularly silent on the results. That group shrank after Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated Biden on November 25, more than two weeks after the election was called.

Russian President Vladimir Putin avoided publicly congratulating Biden. In an interview released just a few days ago, Putin called Biden a “candidate” despite the clear election results indicating he is the winner.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un remained silent on the elections.

Trump over the course of his four-year term has proved himself to be a fickle leader, making unprecedented and erratic decisions on foreign affairs such as withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement and authorizing the killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

Meanwhile, Biden has a long track record of political involvement with world leaders, having served in the Senate for more than three decades and as Vice President from 2009 to 2017. Biden is therefore more familiar to world leaders than Trump was when he joined. in charge.

During his tenure, Trump received low ratings from international observers. In January of this year, a Pew Research poll found that 64% of respondents in 32 countries “have no confidence that Trump is doing the right thing in world affairs.”

Most recently, Trump received low confidence ratings from respondents across 13 countries on his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

This lack of trust appears to have permeated his relations with world leaders, who recognized Biden as the winner long before Trump.

At one point, Trump seemed to admit the results and acknowledge Biden’s victory. But he quickly returned those comments, saying “I give NOTHING”.

Read more: Joe Biden is hiring approximately 4,000 political staff to work in the White House and federal agencies. Here’s how you can increase your chances of getting a job in the new administration, according to 3 experts

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