The mystery continues. Metallic “monolith” found in American desert has disappeared – News


The Utah State Land Management Agency said it received “reliable reports” that the object was removed by someone unknown on Friday night.

“The agency has not removed the facility, which is considered private property,” the official said in a statement. “We do not investigate crimes involving private property, which are administered by the local police,” the statement added.

The triangular metal block, more than 3.5 meters high, was discovered in mid-November by local officials flying over the area in search of wild sheep.

After landing the helicopter to investigate, members of the Utah Department of Public Safety team found “a metal monolith installed on the ground, but no obvious indication of who might have placed the object in place.”

News of the discovery quickly spread across the internet, and many noticed the object’s similarity to the strange alien monoliths that trigger huge advances in human progress in science fiction classics such as Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968 film. .

Officials refused to disclose the object’s location for fear of crowds of onlookers heading into the desert, which sparked an internet rush to determine the location, with the help of surrounding geological formations. Some have even managed to locate their location, in a valley south of Moab, Utah.

One of the adventurers, named David Surber, shared his discovery through his Instagram account, explaining that his trip involved driving through the desert at night and checking GPS coordinates that had been shared by the social network Reddit but that no one there. ‘had still checked on the spot.

Surber analyzed the monolith on the spot, reporting that it was made of aluminum, it was neither magnetic nor massive, and a box was fixed with screws. Additionally, the adventurer has provided detailed instructions for visiting the site.

According to The Guardian, some people are comparing the monolith to sculptures by artist John McCracken, who lived in New Mexico and New York until his death in 2011. David Zwirner, head of the artist’s work, did not respond to a request. comment.

Artist Liam Sharp, known for drawing for DC Comics, mentioned his interest in the discovery. “I love it. I guess it’s a work of art, but what if it isn’t?”

This is not, however, the only situation of works of art installed in the middle of the desert. Last year, a series of six columns, arranged in a circle on top of six white columns, with an mp3 in the center – repeatedly playing Africa, a song by Toto, was installed in the desert in Namibia, by Max Siedentopf, a German multimedia artist -Namibian.

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