INTESTINAL LAUNCH! Taiwanese parliamentarians threw each other’s intestines! news


Taiwan parliament confused: parliamentarians’ intestinal opportunity!

A controversy arose in the Taiwanese parliament over imports of pork and beef from the United States. KMT lawmakers from the main opposition party began scolding with buckets to prevent Prime Minister Su Tseng-chang from receiving questions during his speech at the session.


Kicks and punches flew through the air as KMT members and the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) intervened in parliament after this action.

Taiwan’s administration lifted the ban on imports of American meat earlier this month, which was interpreted as a step towards a bilateral trade agreement between Taiwan and the United States. Prime Minister Su Tseng-chang also confirmed allegations that the two countries are getting closer, saying “the United States is Taiwan’s strongest and most sincere supporter.”

Su Tseng-chang also stressed that the government will open new import doors during the global coronavirus crisis, keeping the public safe.


In early November, when the decision was made to lift the import ban, the opposition reacted to the import of ractopamine from the United States, which is on the list of banned substances in Europe.

Prime Minister Tseng-chang said imported meats are closely monitored from customs to the kitchen. However, these statements did not satisfy the public and the opposition.

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