Spanked 146 times for raping minors (+ video)


The man with a grimace asked the masked officer who hit him with batons to stop the punishment and he lost consciousness

Courtesy | Aceh is the only region of Indonesia where Islamic law applies

A man convicted of raping a minor passed out while receiving 146 public lashes in the Indonesian province of Aceh, AFP reports.

The 19-year-old man with a grimace asked the masked officer who was hitting him with the stick to stop the punishment and he lost consciousness.

However, after being treated by doctors, the flogging continued until it was completed.

That same day, a 40-year-old man and a 21-year-old man were spanked 100 times each for having sex with underage partners.

Aceh’s public spanking, widely criticized by human rights groups, could attract hundreds of onlookers, but the crowd has thinned amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Province of Islamic law

The province of Aceh, located in the extreme north of the island of Sumatra, is the only region of Indonesia where Islamic law is applied, under the autonomy agreement agreed with the central government to end its separatist movements .

Public flogging is common in Aceh, involves crimes ranging from adultery to gambling, alcohol consumption, homosexual or premarital relationships, and is the subject of criticism from human rights organizations.

So, last July, Usman Hamid, executive director of Amnesty International in Indonesia, urged the country’s authorities to ban this type of punishment once and for all.

“Spanking is a cruel and inhumane practice that causes physical and mental trauma. It is a punishment that should never be normalized or tolerated, “Hamid denounced.

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