The surprising incident came to life when the funeral was wrapped up


27.11.2020 14:41

The person whose artery was cut to drain blood from his body during the lining procedure in Kenya came to life screaming.

In Kenya, a 32-year-old man named Peter Kigen was taken to hospital when he suddenly passed out in his home. Doctors told the man’s family that he died.

He screamed when the vein was cut

Kigen was taken to the morgue for the funeral and the veil. The shrouds cut the arteries in Peter’s feet to drain the blood from his body and inject chemicals into his body. Peter shouted, recovering from the effect of the cut.

The accident that shocked you!  She came back to life when her funeral was wrapped up


Seeing that Peter was not dead, the doctors immediately informed his family. Peter’s brother, Kevin Kipkurui, said they still can’t understand the doctors’ claim that an undead is dead. Speaking in the hospital room, Peter said he couldn’t believe what had happened.

The accident that shocked you!  She came back to life when her funeral was wrapped up

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