Corona in Siberia – If he wants to go online, he has to climb the tree


Alexei Dudoladow lives in distant Russia. His study conditions are difficult, because he only receives his online lessons on top of a birch.

This is not how he imagined university life: the student Alexei Dudoladow in search of the Internet.

This is not how he imagined university life: the student Alexei Dudoladow in search of the Internet.

Photo: Reuters

Pauseswitschi it’s a village somewhere in Siberia. One of its nearly 50 residents is engineering student Alexei Dudoladow. As Corona’s lectures were only video-based at his university in the nearest city of Omsk, Dudolado hasw one problem: it stankwitschi there is no internet on the fixed network, especially not on fiber optic cables.

The only option is to use the mobile phone, and this too is only available with the 2G standardsays Dudoladow to a local reporter on the phone. Note that the bellowing of the cows and the grunting of the pigs can be heard in the background. Internet reception in Stankevichi is so weak and prone to failure that Dudoladow he can no longer attend classes. Or only with great sacrifice.

The battery runs out in an instant

The student must climb a birch tree so that his mobile phone can receive the Internet and can download the teaching materials, homework, exercises and university manuscripts and listen at least briefly to the lectures on the Zoom video software. Except for the top, about ten meters above the ground. And this up to ten degrees below null.

The cell phone battery, says the young Russian, is fine at these temperaturesm In no time empty. When I talked about it in the faculty, they didn’t believe a word of what I said. You thought I was joking.Local and regional authorities, the Dudoladow drew attention to his difficult study conditions, said er it is better to buy an amplifier and mount it on the roof of the house. This costs 8000 rublessays the student – um, about 100 francs. Couldn’t spend that much.

In the Siberian city of Stankevitschi there is no cell phone reception, except on this tree.

In the Siberian city of Stankevitschi there is no cell phone reception, except on this tree.

Photo: Reuters

The officers showed up only for Dudoladowcomplaints are receptive when he hears themS. The Internet presented and illustrated his torment. The video with the student became a hundred thousand timesin on dem tree in the clicked on social media. The public was appalled and demanded countermeasures not just for the young man made of stinkwitschi, but also for other students suffering from poor internet reception in the vast expanses of Russia. The governor of Omsk has now promised to address the problem. It hasn’t happened yetS.. And Alexei Dudoladow keep climbing.

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