Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil: boulders come off the cliff and kill a young family


A trip to the beach in Brazil was fatal for a family of three.

A family of three was killed off the front of a cliff in Brazil.

A family of three was killed off the front of a cliff in Brazil.

Instagram / celonoticia

On Tuesday, on the Brazilian beach of Pipa in Rio Grande do Norte, a young family and their child were killed by a crumbling rock mass of a cliff. Hugo Pereira (32), his partner Stella Souza (33) and the family dog ​​Brisa were found dead in the rubble, local media reported. According to eyewitnesses, the family was sitting under the cliff on the beach when the tragic accident occurred around noon.

The child was found alive

The family’s 7-month-old son, Sol, was in his mother’s arms. Stella was probably trying to protect him from falling rocks. Sol was still alive when rescuers pulled him out of the rubble. A doctor who happened to be there tried to help the boy. Compartment. The boy died shortly after from his injuries.

Dozens of helpers have been digging for the victims on the beach with hands and pieces of wood.

Locals said the family was in danger. Apparently the danger represented by the reef was known. A patrol had also advised the family to sit elsewhere. According to a spokesperson for the city, it is not uncommon for cliffs to break due to erosion.

Relatives mourn the family

Family members are deeply upset. «You were very happy. Hugo was a wonderful man who took care of Stella and Sol, ”says Sânzia, Stella Souza’s mother. Éder Jofre, Stella’s cousin, says sadly: “The three of us broke up too soon.”

Pedro Holanda, manager of the hotel where Hugo worked, also mourned the death of his colleague: “Hugo always had a smile on his face. He was always in a good mood and was very happy to be a father. He was a father of a family, he loved animals, nature. We are dismayed “.

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