Germany’s plan to vaccinate thousands of people a day as early as December – Observer


According to Reuters, the Covid-19 vaccination plan, approved earlier this month, says the vaccine will only be available early next year, but on Monday the health minister appealed. claims to have vaccination centers ready as early as next month. This is because he believes a Covid-19 vaccine will be approved in Europe by the end of the year and therefore the country will be able to start immunization soon.

I prefer to have ready-made immunization centers that will remain inactive for several days rather than having licensed vaccines that cannot be administered, “Jens Spahn told Redaktions Netzwerk Deutschland, quoted by Deutsche Welle.

Only in Berlin did they do it Six sites have been defined which will be adapted to receive vaccination centers: Messe Berlin, a congress center; a terminal at Berlin-Tegel airport; the former Tempelhof airport, closed since 2008; a sports cycling venue; Arena Berlin, a multifunctional pavilion; and the Erika-Hess-Eisstadion, an ice rink.

Tempelhof, the former airport that saved Berlin and now wants to welcome refugees

According to the regional minister of health of the city-state of Berlin, Dilek Kalayci, in a first phase about 400 thousand people should be immunized, being that the six centers will administer up to 20,000 doses of vaccines per day at these six centers. Each of these centers will have a mobile vaccination unit to immunize those unable to travel there, and volunteers have even been asked to work in these centers, some of which will need to be trained in health, Reuters reads.

Vaccination centers will be the first to receive Covid-19 vaccines and only then will they begin to be administered elsewhere, such as in doctors’ offices.

There will also be a file central online database exclusively for vaccination against Covid-19. According to The Local, this database will be created by the Robert Koch Institute – the government agency responsible for managing the pandemic – and information about people who have been vaccinated, such as age, gender, address, vaccine administered and batch number, as well as the place and time at which the vaccine was administered. This is how the government intends to keep up with the already vaccinated population.

According to Deutsche Welle, scientists consider it of utmost importance to have this database with centralized information so that health authorities are aware of possible side effects and thus be able to regulate the administration of vaccines.

This Monday, the Minister of Health indicated that thanks to the registration of the populations that have already been vaccinated it will be possible to alleviate health restrictions: “Especially when we reach a high vaccination rate among the most vulnerable, we will be able to gradually reduce the restrictions,” said Jens Spahn.

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