2020 U.S. Elections – Joe Biden’s Handover Is About To Begin – News


  • 17:53

    A majority of Republicans would support Trump in 2024

    Donald Trump would be the preferred Republican candidate in a hypothetical primary election for the presidential campaign in four years. The outgoing US president would have the support of 53 per cent of party supporters and Republican sympathizers.

    Vice President Mike Pence comes in second with just 12% support. Donald Trump Jr. gets the third highest support with 8%, while other Republican politicians like Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney or Nikki Haley each get less than 5% support.

    It comes from a poll of the magazine “Politico”, The link opens in a new window and the Morning Consult Survey Institute. According to the poll, Trump (today) would be a workhorse for Republicans for the 2024 presidency. More details in the poll, The link opens in a new window but they also show that only 31 percent of respondents believe developments in the US are going in the right direction – 69 percent believe “things are pretty seriously wrong.”
    (Sample: voters registered in 1990, margin of error ± 2%).

  • 17:08

    Pennsylvania confirmed Joe Biden as the winner of the election

    Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf confirmed Joe Biden as the winner of the Pennsylvania state election. Wolf tweeted that “the results of the November 3 election in Pennsylvania for President and Vice President of the United States have been confirmed.” “As required by federal law, I signed the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris electoral roll certificate.”

    President Donald Trump, who lost the state’s 20 votes to Biden, had unsuccessfully attempted in Pennsylvania to legally invalidate the election result.

  • 15:26

    The political world is silent on Trump’s resistance

    Asking for a recount after an election or contesting a result is perfectly legitimate. But inciting political supporters against the successor and hindering the transition of official affairs is neither democratic nor legitimate. This should have been criticized by heads of state and government around the world, says Fredy Gsteiger, analyzing the “deafening silence in the world” over Donald Trump’s resistance to the handover to Joe Biden.

  • 13:52

    Does Trump want to run again in 2024?

    Current US President Donald Trump has pioneered the handover. However, he still does not recognize the electoral defeat. Trump is working on his legend to compete against the establishment again in 2024, says US political scientist and expert Joseph Braml in an interview with SRF News. From Trump’s point of view, this is finally back in power.

  • 11:25

    Biden’s government team is taking shape

    The handover may begin and the formation of the government is also taking shape. US President-elect Joe Biden has announced his candidacies for several government departments. However, not all seats have been filled yet and the Senate still needs to give its approval to the candidates.

  • 9:04

    “Strong Alliance Supporter”: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Joe Biden

    According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, future US President Joe Biden, like Donald Trump, will insist on more defense spending by European allies. This is what Stoltenberg told the newspapers of the German media group Funke. However, it is certain that NATO will have a “strong supporter of the alliance” in Biden. Stoltenberg and Biden spoke on Monday for the first time since the Democrat was elected the next president of the United States.

    How Biden positions himself on the future of NATO’s training mission in Afghanistan is now highly anticipated. Trump actually wanted to end the operation in support of the Afghan government by May next year. It is counting on US-mediated peace talks between the Afghan government and Islamic Taliban militants to bring success.

  • 7:54

    The new US government as a reflection of US society?

    Joe Biden promised early in the election campaign that he would take into account the diversity of US society in the composition of his government: “My government will look like America.” The first nominations have now been announced. US correspondent Isabelle Jacobi analyzed personnel decisions.

  • 6:10

    Asian Exchange is thrilled with Yellen’s appointment

    The beginning of the transfer of power in the US was also felt in the Asian stock exchanges. Japan’s Nikkei Index was up 2.6 percent, according to the latest Washington reports, the broader Topix index rose 2.2 percent. According to observers, the appointment of Janet Yellen as future US Treasury Secretary has sparked optimism, although this appointment has not yet been officially confirmed.

  • 1:06

    Trump relents as he prepares for Biden’s assumption of office

    For weeks, Donald Trump’s struggle against the US presidential election result has stalled orderly preparation for Joe Biden’s assumption of office. It is now changing its position on an important point. US President-elect Joe Biden gains access to government infrastructure that was previously denied him.

    Incumbent Donald Trump has instructed authorities to cooperate with Biden, as he announced on Twitter. The responsible General Service Administration (GSA) had previously ranked Biden as the likely winner of the election and therefore gave the green light to the Trump administration to cooperate with the Democratic team.

    However, Trump does not want to know anything about an election defeat and claims that the victory was stolen from him through massive election fraud. On Monday he made it clear that he would continue to fight and was once again confident of victory. However, more than 30 lawsuits by his lawyers have been dismissed by the courts.

  • 22:47

    Michigan makes voting results official

    The supreme electoral body of the US state of Michigan certified the election result. This is a major setback for incumbent President Donald Trump’s efforts. He has questioned the outcome in the state through numerous lawsuits.

    Joe Biden left Donald Trump in Michigan in the November 3 election with about 150,000 votes. The certification guarantees Biden the 16 electoral votes of the state.

    American media such as CNN comment: “Trump has no apparent way to reverse the presidential election result by legal means.”

  • 22:06

    The EU and NATO are looking forward to Biden

    EU Council President Charles Michel invited US President-elect Joe Biden to a special meeting with European heads of state and government in Brussels next year. During a phone call, Michel suggested rebuilding a “strong transatlantic alliance,” his office said.

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also phoned Biden for the first time since the election. The defense alliance announced that it thanked Biden for his longstanding support for NATO and transatlantic relations. Stoltenberg looks forward to close cooperation to further strengthen the link between North America and Europe.

    Under President Trump, who was still in office, relations between the US and NATO, as well as the EU, were at times extremely strained.

  • 21:10

    Yellen will become finance minister

    According to the Wall Street Journal and CNBC, Joe Biden appoints former Federal Reserve Chief Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary. Biden’s team has not yet confirmed the name. The US media cites “informed people” as a source.

    Biden is currently compiling the shortlist for his cabinet. He has already announced the first names, but not who he would like to raise to the top of the finance department. In addition to Yellen, Fed Director Lael Brainard, Atlanta Federal Reserve Chief Raphael Bostic and former Fed Director Sarah Bloom Raskin were also considered candidates for the key position. Biden’s selection must be confirmed by the Senate.

    Janet Yellen



  • 18:36

    Biden holt John Kerry ins Boot

    US President-elect Joe Biden wants to appoint former Secretary of State John Kerry as a special climate envoy. Biden’s team also confirmed that Antony Blinken should be appointed foreign minister. Blinken is a proponent of multinational cooperation and has been advising Biden for nearly 20 years. Alejandro Mayorkas is set to become the first Latin American to serve as Homeland Security Secretary, at the behest of Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

    For the first time, Avril Haines will have a woman who coordinates the various secret services as the director of the secret services. The Biden team also confirmed media reports that Jake Sullivan will become National Security Advisor to the White House and Linda Thomas-Greenfield will represent the United States as an ambassador to the United Nations.

    “We have no time to waste when it comes to our national security and our foreign policy,” Biden said in the statement. “I need a team ready on day one to help me regain America’s place at the head of the table, bring the world together for the toughest challenges we face, and promote our security, prosperity and values.” Nominations must be confirmed by the Senate.

  • 6:19

    According to media reports, Biden Blinken’s confidant will be foreign minister

    It’s not official yet. But several US media outlets – including CNN and the “New York Times” – believe they already know who will be the new US secretary of state: Antony Blinken, Joe Biden’s foreign policy adviser during the election campaign.

    The 58-year-old was most recently Deputy Secretary of State and previously Deputy National Security Advisor in the Obama administration. Blinken and Biden have known each other for nearly 20 years: Blinken already worked for Biden when he was senator and head of the foreign committee.

    US President-elect Joe Biden wants to present his “first” candidates for ministerial office in his cabinet on Tuesday. This was announced by Ronald Klain, Biden’s designated chief of staff, in an interview with ABC television.

  • 6:09

    The most important of the weekend

    • In Pennsylvania, the Donald Trump camp appeals to Judge Matthew Brann’s decision that he refused to stop certifying the Pennsylvania election results. Furthermore, Trump calls for a recount of the votes in Georgia.
    • Russian head of state Vladimir Putin has indirectly offered his collaboration to US President-designate Joe Biden for the first time.
    • Trump’s legal team distances itself from conservative attorney Sidney Powell. This is after several turbulent days in which Powell made false statements about the voting process, spread conspiracy theories, and vowed to blow up the election result in Georgia with a lawsuit of “biblical proportions”.

    Read more about the US presidential election here.

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