Russia and USA, military conflict in the Pacific Ocean. A spark for disaster


Russia on Tuesday expelled US destroyer John S. McCain from its territorial waters in the Pacific Ocean, according to information provided by Moscow Defense Ministry officials. According to Russian representatives, the American destroyer did not respect the border and advanced two kilometers into foreign territorial waters.

“On Tuesday, at 06:17 Moscow time (03.17 GMT), US Navy destroyer John S. McCain, in the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan for several days, breached the Russian border in the Peter the Great Bay area, traveling two kilometers in Russian waters, “Kremlin officials said.

Russia has sent a large anti-submarine destroyer, Admiral Vinogradov, to warn the American destroyer to leave its territorial waters.

“USS John S. McCain has returned to international waters”

“Pacific Fleet anti-submarine destroyer Admiral Vinogradov used an international communication channel to warn the foreign ship that such actions are unacceptable and that it could be ejected from the country’s territorial waters in an all-out maneuver. After the release was issued. warning and after Admiral Vinogradov changed course, the USS John S. McCain destroyer returned to international waters, “the statement read.

“Possibility of using a maneuver to chase the intruder out of territorial waters”

It was also claimed that Admiral Vinogradov had warned the American destroyer. The Russians have expressed their revolt against the maneuvers of the Americans, which they consider inadmissible. “Admiral Vinogradov, a large antisubmarine ship of the Pacific fleet, which follows the American destroyer directly, warned the foreign ship through the international communication channel of the inadmissibility of such actions and the possibility of using a maneuver to chase the intruder outside territorial waters “.

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