Bolivia issues arrest warrant to former de facto minister | news


The Office of the Departmental Prosecutor for Peace of the Bolivian Ministry of Justice has issued an arrest warrant for the former de facto Minister of Hydrocarbons of Bolivia, Victor Zamora, for alleged crimes of abuse of power in the company Petrolera Yacimientos Petrolifos Fiscales Bolivianos ( YPFB).


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So far it is not known where Zamora is, to whom an unannounced summons has been sent. At the same time, he was not located in his declared legal address, nor in any other likely homes, as reported by police commander Colonel Johny Aguilera.

The complaint was lodged by the Director of Corporate Transparency YPFB, José Alberto Céspedes Subiarse, where Zamora is accused of crimes of dereliction of duty, misuse of influence and resolutions contrary to the Constitution and the Laws.

At first, Zamora was acting as a witness to testify for the aforementioned complaints. However, subsequent evidence was obtained which showed violations, by the official, of administrative resolution 078/2020.

The aforementioned administrative rule implemented in YPFB guarantees the protection of the health of its employees, while legislating the rights of workers during the Covid-19 control measures.

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