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LAST MINUTE NEWS: The price of the Sputnik V vaccine developed by Russia has been announced


last minute “data-mce-href =” “> Latest news! The price of the vaccine named Sputnik V developed by the Gamaleya Institute in Russia in the international market is 20 dollars (The figure has been claimed to reflect the total cost of the vaccine given in two doses.

However, it has been claimed that the vaccine will be distributed free to Russian citizens.


Phase 3 clinical trials of the Sputnik-V corona virus vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Research Center in Russia were announced today. According to the RDIF and Gamaleya National Center statement, 39
confirmed cases and 18,794 patients with both doses of the vaccine
According to the new clinical test data obtained, the Sputnik V.
91.4% effective on day 28, over 95% effective on day 42
was seen to be.

The Institute announced that the tests and observations of the volunteers continued and the mass production of vaccines continued in the targeted direction.


On the other hand, as global coronavirus vaccination studies continue rapidly, Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna, Gamaleya Institute, and AstraZeneca / Oxford have repeatedly announced successful results over the past few weeks. In the statement released by Pfizer last week, it was announced that the vaccine developed with Germany’s BioNTech SE has shown an efficiency of over 95% after 28 days in the latest phase clinical trials conducted on 43,000 volunteers in 6 countries. In the statement released by Moderna of the United States, it was stated that the vaccine was 94.5% successful in intermediate results. Moderna explained that late-stage clinical trials are still ongoing and therefore the effectiveness rate could increase.

The Sputnik-V vaccine, developed by the Gamelaya Institute in Russia, has been reported to have an efficacy rate of 92 percent following the first clinical trials of 10,000 people.


The price tags for each of the four vaccines vary widely. The price of a single dose of Moderna’s vaccine was announced at $ 38 (about 300 Turkish Lira). A single dose of the Pfizer / BionTech vaccine was sold in Europe for 15 euros (about 140 Turkish lira). But AstraZeneca said the British government vaccine would cost “like a cup of coffee”. In this context, it was claimed that the single dose of the vaccine would be less than £ 3 (around 31 Turkish Lira), which is the average price of a cup of coffee in the UK.

However, considering that all four vaccines will be administered in two doses, we see that the price of the Moderna vaccine is 600 lire, the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine is 280 lire, the Sputnik V vaccine is 160 lire and the Oxford / AstraZeneca is around 62 lire.

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