The Trump administration is ready to begin the transition process, but the president refuses to admit defeat – Observer


The General Services Administration (GSA), the body responsible for the federal transition process in the United States of America, has informed Joe Biden that the Donald Trump administration is ready to begin the formal transition process.

The news was made by CNN, which had access to a file letter sent by the GSA administrator, Emily Murphy, to the president-elect earlier this month. Donald Trump confirmed with a post on the social network Twitter, where he says he “recommended Emily and her team” to do whatever “is necessary in relation to the initial protocols.” However, it ensures that the lawsuit to contest the election results “remains strong” and, as such, refuses to concede defeat to Joe Biden.

The GSA letter was sent after two of the most decisive states certified Joe Biden’s victory. On Friday, the Democrat was again declared the winner in Georgia after the state certified the results: he won with 2% more votes than Trump. Trump’s team of lawyers called for a second recount of votes on Saturday. This Monday, the state of Michigan also gave Biden the victory: he had 2.8% more votes and secured all 16 electoral votes.

In a statement, the Biden-Harris transition team said Murphy officially declared Biden and elected Vice President Kamala Harris as the “apparent winners of the elections,” providing the new administration with the “resources it needs” for a “smooth and quiet,” calm “.

Today’s decision [segunda-feira] it is a necessary step to begin addressing the challenges our country faces, including keeping the pandemic under control and returning our economy to normal. This final decision is a final administrative action to formally initiate the transition process with federal agencies, ”it reads.

Biden-Harris transition executive director Yohannes Abraham also says “in the next few days” to gain “a full understanding of the Trump administration’s efforts to ‘clear’ government agencies.”

This GSA decision “paves the way” for Biden to gain access to federal agencies and funds so that he can formally form the administration that will govern the country for the next four years. The inauguration is scheduled for January 20.

Despite instructing his team to cooperate in the transition, Donald Trump promises to continue fighting to reverse the results, which he considers fraudulent as early projections were known to indicate Biden’s victory. “Our case continues with force, we will continue the fight and I believe we will win”, he wrote on Twitter.

On Sunday, attorney Sidney Powell was reported to have been removed from Trump’s legal team, days after he alleged, without providing evidence, that the voting machines Dominion hired and used in some states worked with a Software created in due course by order of Hugo Chávez.

A few hours after the initial announcement, Donald Trump again stressed that making room for a transition doesn’t necessarily guarantee Joe Biden victory – quite the opposite. “What does this have to do with allowing the GSA to do its preliminary work with the Democrats by continuing to prosecute various cases of what will go down in history as the most corrupt election in American political history?” He tweeted.

“We continue to move forward with all our strength. We will never compromise on fake newsletters and “Dominion” “he added, referring to two frequent allegations from his campaign that, so far, suffer from evidence. For this reason, this tweet was reported with a note on Twitter, which reads “this claim about election fraud is a subject of controversy.”

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