The US president authorizes the start of the government transition process | news


United States (USA) President Donald Trump on Monday authorized the Director of the Government’s General Services Administration (GSA, for its acronym in English), Emily Murphy, and her team to “do what is necessary. with respect to the initial protocols “, with reference to the transition process with the new government of the northern country.


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Through a message posted on his official Twitter account, the head of state also indicated that he had instructed his team to “do the same”.

“I want to thank GSA’s Emily Murphy for her constant dedication and loyalty to our country,” he added, noting that she will continue to insist on legal means to reverse the election results that favored Democrat Joe Biden.

This announcement came after the GSA indicated it would allocate the necessary resources to the president-elect to complete the transition process. Murphy also indicated that Biden’s team could have $ 7.3 million coming out of the public coffers.

Both decisions are tied to the certification of Biden’s victory in the state of Michigan by its authorities. Added to this are similar contexts in Georgia, where Trump had filed several complaints about the electoral process without obtaining the desired results.

The Michigan Special Commission decided with three votes in favor and one abstention that Biden was certified as the winner of the state election, in which he won by about 156,000 votes over Trump, in a state where 5.5 million were counted. votes. suffrages.

Likewise, the state of Pennsylvania must certify its results this Monday, where the former US vice president has a lead of more than 80,000 votes.

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