Republican security experts: Donald Trump should accept electoral defeat


A group of senior Republican security experts has urged their members of Congress to ask Donald Trump to admit he lost the election. The Washington Post first reported it. Consequently, the initiation of an orderly handover of official business to Joe Biden should be allowed swiftly.

Trump’s refusal to allow a surrender “poses a significant risk to our national security,” reads the statement, signed by more than 100 party members. Signatories include former Pennsylvania Governor and former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, as well as former CIA Director Michael Hayden and John. D. Negroponte, who was director of national intelligence under George W. Bush.

The signatories of the statement urge their party colleagues to “stand up to Trump” in his “dangerous and extra-legal efforts to threaten and intimidate state officials to prevent a constituency vote.”

Donald Trump still refuses to accept his defeat. It has already failed with several lawsuits against individual states’ election results. He is also accused of attempting to influence state officials regarding election results.

Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declined to comment on the statement, according to the Washington Post. At first there were no comments from the White House either.

The statement was released just hours before a scheduled vote in Michigan to confirm the election results in that state, which shows Biden received nearly 140,000 more votes than Trump.

“President Trump’s continued efforts to challenge the validity of elections and intervene in state electoral processes undermine our democracy and risk long-term damage to our institutions,” the statement said.

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