Trump will file fraud complaints with the Supreme Court


After rejecting President Donald Trump’s request on the Pennsylvania voting, his attorney Rudy Giuliani announced that they will file an appeal with the US Supreme Court.

“Today’s decision will help us in our strategy to get to the US Supreme Court quickly,” said Rudy Giuliani, hours after Federal Judge Matthew Brann dismissed the Republican president’s lawsuit over the votes cast in Pennsylvania, which leaves with no options to apply for re-election.

Giuliani said that despite the total disagreement with this opinion, the Trump team thanks Judge Brann, appointed by former Democratic President Barack Obama, for making such a decision, in advance, rather than simply trying to run out of weather. .

“We will seek an expedited appeal in the Third Circuit,” insisted the lawyer in what appears to be Trump’s latest attempt to stay in the White House, after the state of Georgia certified Joe Biden and Michigan on Friday. he said no there is evidence that changes

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