Attack of laughter of the father in full mass in Brazil


Father Fabrício Rodrigues gained fame on social media thanks to the masses he broadcasts online due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, his popularity was triggered by a laugh he couldn’t contain in the middle of a liturgy.

The moment after communion was passing, one of the most solemn of the Eucharist, when the priest wondered about the laughter and all because at that moment The musician who sings a song of praise broke the guitar string.

Although the singer continued a cappella, without paying much attention, Father Fabrício found him comical and could not stop laughing.

The priest may have received a lot of criticism for not showing seriousness in the midst of the consecration, however, he mostly received the support of the people. In addition to pointing out that it can happen to any human being, he is much loved in the community of Marabá, Brazil, for his work with the church.

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