Twitter says it will give Joe Biden a @POTUS account on opening day


Donald Trump used and abused his Twitter account during his 4 years as president of the United States of America. This was increasingly the president’s voice in truth and lies. Indeed, several times this social network has had to report and limit Trump’s messages when he violated the rules with disinformation. So when this tug-of-war ends, between Trump and the election results that gave Joe Biden victory, the new president will have a @POTUS account.

Twitter said Friday it will be relinquishing control of the account @POTUS to the new Biden administration on opening day.

Image of US President Joe Biden who will have a new Twitter account

Twitter account of the President of the United States of America

The @POTUS account is the official account of the President of the United States and is separate from the account @realDonaldTrump that Trump uses to tweet. As Nick Pacilio, a Twitter spokesperson said, this also applies to about a dozen White House accounts, including accounts @FLOTUS is @PressSec.

Twitter is actively preparing to support the transition of institutional White House Twitter accounts on January 20, 2021. As we did for the presidential transition in 2017, this process is being done in close consultation with the National Files and Records Administration.

Pacilio said in a statement.

An Obama @POTUS account file can be found under the identifier @ POTUS44.

Reset your account and start from scratch

Surely the new account user won't want to have such a heavy legacy on their Twitter account. Therefore, the accounts that will be transferred will then be reset to zero messages on the day of the investiture. Although the election was already examining a winner, Trump still claims that there was fraud in the results and that he was the real winner.

As we know Donald Trump, he will continue to use his Twitter account. However, he will not keep "some of the privileges" he has as president of the United States. The @realDonaldTrump account has 88 million followers, a figure that far exceeds the 32 million of the @POTUS account or even more of the account @JoeBiden which has just over 19 million.

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