Trump continues to try to change election results |


According to the Associated Press (AP), Donald Trump today called two influential judges from the state of Michigan, a state that the Democratic candidate won with over 154,000 votes (provisional results), to the White House to continue the idea of convince local judges and lawmakers to put aside the popular vote and pass to the voters chosen by the Republicans.

The transfer of two senior Michigan law enforcement officials to Washington comes at the same time as the recount of votes in Wisconsin’s two most democratic counties began today, with the Trump campaign seeking to reject tens of thousands of votes. cast by absent voters who, he said, should not have been counted.

Trump’s three objections to trying to nullify the votes were rejected by the three members of the Dane County Council. Trump is expected to raise the same objections in Milwaukee County ahead of a court appeal once the recount is complete, possibly Wednesday, the AP said.

Biden won in Wisconsin with 20,600 votes and won the counties of Dane and Milwaukee. Trump only paid for the recount in those two counties, but not in the other 70, where he won the victory in 58 of them.

The AP recalls that there is no precedent for a recount that surpasses a deficit as large as Trump’s in Wisconsin, so his strategy is widely seen as, the AP reads, “yet another attempt to create a case for which bring Court “.

Also in relation to Michigan, earlier this week, Trump personally summoned two election council officials who refused to certify the results in Wayne County, the state’s most populous, and who voted overwhelmingly for Biden.

The two Republican campaign officials, the AP said, would have agreed to certify the results, but after a phone call from Trump they changed their minds.

Some Michigan lawmakers have reported being inundated with calls and emails from Trump supporters asking for intervention, replying that state law “clearly requires” that voters be nominated by the party that gets the most votes – “the law does not allow the appointment or approval of alternative voters”.

The Michigan effort, the PA continues, is among the “various last-minute tactics” that Trump and his allies are using to prevent an electoral defeat.

Trump’s team also suggested a legal challenge in Pennsylvania to ignore the popular vote and pressure Arizona County officials to delay the certification of the vote count.

At the White House, discussions were underway about extending an invitation to the Pennsylvania Republican legislative leadership as well.

This afternoon, the White House, however, denied that Trump intended to pressure Michigan lawmakers not to certify the election results.

“[Trump] will be in a meeting later. This will not be a match to defend [a sua causa], nor will we talk about the campaign. This is a routine meeting involving lawmakers across the country, “White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said.

On the other hand, on Thursday evening, it was announced that the recount of votes in the US presidential election in Georgia confirmed Biden’s victory.

The initial tally only gave the Democrat about 14,000 votes ahead of Trump, which forced a manual recount. The gap has narrowed slightly, with Joe Biden now having a lead of just over 12,200 votes.

The difference between the two candidates is still very small and Trump, who disputes the defeat, could therefore ask for a new count, clarified the office of the Georgian secretary of state, responsible for the elections.

Biden was declared the winner of the presidential election on November 7, after conquering three major states: Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Biden has 306 delegates in the constituency, up from Trump’s 232. To win, he needed 270 “big voters”.

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