US elections: Biden’s victory in Georgia officially confirmed


Joe Biden’s election victory in the state of Georgia is officially confirmed. Chief Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger officially certified the findings, Governor Brian Kemp said Friday.

President-elect Joe Biden nods to supporters on Saturday November 7, 2020 in Wilmington, Del.  (KEYSTONE / AP Photo / Andrew Harnik)

President-elect Joe Biden nods to supporters on Saturday November 7, 2020 in Wilmington, Del. (KEYSTONE / AP Photo / Andrew Harnik)


The further process now involves Kemp confirming the numbers within 24 hours and then instructing the state’s 16th electorate to vote for Biden as president on December 14.

Defeated President Donald Trump then has until and after Tuesday to request a new vote count. Several lawsuits brought by his lawyers against the election results had failed in Georgia – as in many other states – in court.

Georgia had already checked the ballots herself. Thereafter, Biden’s lead over Trump narrowed from roughly 14,000 to 12,670 votes, as reported on Friday. The reason was that election commissions in two Republican-run districts had forgotten to include several thousand votes counted in the bill. Kemp sharply criticized that there were irregularities on this scale.

No signs of counterfeiting

In recent days, Raffensperger had repeatedly pointed out that no signs of election fraud had been found. Trump refuses to acknowledge his defeat in the presidential election, arguing that the victory was stolen through fraud. He can ask for a recount in Georgia because the gap between the candidates is less than 0.5 percentage points. Biden became the first Democrat to win in Georgia since Bill Clinton in 1992. Raffensperger and Kemp, like other senior state officials, are Republicans themselves.

The results of the state are crucial to winning the presidential elections. The head of state is not elected directly by the people, but by the voters who cast their votes based on the results in their state. According to US media calculations, Democrat Biden has 306 electorates behind him, and 270 are needed for the presidential election. Trump has 232 electorates. Georgia gets 16 votes from the electoral voters.


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