Donald Trump Jr .: Donald Trump’s eldest son tested positive for the Corona test


The eldest son of US President Donald Trump has been infected with the new corona virus. Donald Trump Jr. had tested positive for the pathogen earlier this week, his spokesperson said Friday (local time). As soon as the 42-year-old received the test result, he went into quarantine. The president’s son had no symptoms of Covid 19, the spokesperson said.

Donald Trump Jr. had been actively involved in his father’s fight for a second term. Following the victory of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in the November 3 election, Trump Jr. tweeted that his father should have waged an “all-out war” in the fight against alleged election fraud.

In July, Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle also tested positive for the virus. Donald Trump Jr. is said to have tested negative at the time, but also self-isolated.

An infection was detected in President Donald Trump in early October. The president received hospital treatment for it. At that time, his wife Melania and her youngest son Barron were also infected.

After the President of the United States was infected, other infections from his environment were reported, including Housing Minister Ben Carson, Presidential Adviser David Bossie, and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

However, Trump repeatedly downplays the extent of the pandemic. After his recovery, he invited the population to “not be afraid” of Corona and not to be “dominated” by the virus.

The United States is the country most affected by the pandemic in the world. More than 253,000 people in the United States have died from a corona infection. The number of confirmed cases of the infection is also the highest in the world with over 11.8 million.

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