G20 Summit: Donald Trump attends a virtual conference on the crown and the climate crisis


According to information from Washington, US President Donald Trump will attend the virtual G20 summit over the weekend. Trump will take part in the deliberations of major industrialized and emerging countries chaired by Saudi Arabia on Saturday, a senior government official said.

So far he wasn’t sure if Trump would attend the virtual meeting. “Until the last minute we won’t even be able to be absolutely sure that Trump will be there,” an EU diplomat said.

Trump still does not recognize his defeat in the November 3 presidential election, making it difficult for Democrat Joe Biden to take office on January 20. Some of those he spoke to at the summit have already congratulated Biden on his victory.

Trump had already attended the Asia-Pacific Economic Community forum on Friday, which was also held online. US President Donald Trump and Chinese ruler Xi Jinping had not spoken for eight months. Now the two have met again virtually. Just a day later, they will meet again at the G20 summit. For Donald Trump it will be the last major international appearance as president.

At the G20 summit held in video conference, which is also attended by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), the first topic is the global crown pandemic. In addition to the seven major industrialized countries and 13 emerging countries, pandemic-affected countries such as Spain, Singapore and Switzerland will participate, as well as representatives from the UN, the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO).

On the second day of the summit, chaired by Saudi Crown Prince Salman, the focus will be on fighting the climate crisis together. Another debt relief for the poorest countries in the world following the crown crisis is also on the agenda.

The fight against global warming has been denied, the pandemic has been mitigated

Critics accuse Trump of repeatedly downplaying the crown pandemic and failing to take appropriate measures. He attributed complicity to WHO in spreading the new virus and initiated his country’s withdrawal from the United Nations organization.

In the United States, more than 253,000 people have died from a corona infection, more than in any other country in the world. The number of confirmed cases of the infection is also the highest in the world with over 11.8 million.

Trump refuses to take part in the international fight against global warming. Upon his decision, the United States withdrew from the Paris climate agreement.

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