Donald Trump – lawyer Rudy Giuliani receives an immense salary


  • Joel Schmidt

    fromJoel Schmidt

    to conclude

Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani spreads conspiracy theories in court and is constantly in public. Now the amount of his daily allowance became known.

  • Rudy Giuliani lawyer continues to fight for his mandate Donald Trump about that Result the US elections 2020.
  • In front of dish I am State of Pennsylvania diffusion Triumphs Lawyer crude conspiracy theories.
  • All News and information around the 45th president of the United States of America can be found in Trump News.

Update from Thursday 19 November 2020, 09:52: Former White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney worried about role on Wednesday (November 18, 2020) Lawyer Rudy Giuliani in Triumphs legal campaign against the US election result shown.

Rudy Giuliani is Donald Trump’s attorney. (Archive photo)

© Sophia Kembowski / dpa

He told Fox News that it was important to put the legal work in the hands of more experienced lawyers Rudy Giuliani give.

After the sensational appearance of Donald Trumps personal attorney at a hearing on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 in the state of the United States Pennsylvania Mulvaney told the online newspaper “The Hill”: “This is not a TV show, this is reality.”

Trump’s campaign against the election result: Rudy Giuliani receives princely compensation

Meanwhile, points Rudy Giuliani Rumors returned that he would have to work Donald Trumps The legal campaign to contest the US election results requires a daily rate of $ 20,000. The “New York Times” had previously reported that supporters Triumphs worry, Rudy Giuliani he will enrich himself personally in the next court cases. The personal attorney of Donald Trump he told the newspaper that he had never asked for information on this fee. The $ 20,000 every day is according to a statement of Rudy Giuliani, “The result we worked out together in the end”.

Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani: confused testimony on alleged election fraud in Pennsylvania

First report of Wednesday 18 November 2020: Williamsport- Tuesday (November 17th, 2020) is Rudy Giuliani, the attorney for the president of the United States Donald Trump, in a courtroom in Pennsylvania He showed up and did what he’s been best at lately: throwing wild conspiracy theories and making a lot of noise in the process. As the American Internet platform “The Daily Beast” reports, it should Rudy Giuliani they repeatedly made allegations of election fraud without being able to provide any evidence.

Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Guiliani in Pennsylvania: What role did Mickey Mouse play in the US election?

Of course, it might not be easy for either Rudy Giuliani were his allegations in Pennsylvania to back it up with serious tests. After all, this should be based on a crazy conspiracy theory of election fraud, in which two very big characters are said to have been involved: former US President John F. Kennedy and – the cartoon character “Mickey Mouse” .

2020 US elections: neither Donald Trump nor Rudy Giuliani recognize Biden’s victory

But let’s get back to reality. Rudy Giuliani, Personal Attorney of the President of the United States Donald Trump, had the opportunity to go to court in the US on Tuesday (November 17, 2020) Pennsylvania to file the lawsuit against the US election result. The stated goal: to prevent President-elect Joe Biden as the next president of the United States.

The negotiation should begin Rudy Giuliani, Former mayor of New York City, president of the US state Pennsylvania they asked you to remove the mouth and nose protection. This was followed by a reproduction of the now well-known lira of the campaign of electoral fraud: a tirade against the postal vote and against all the big cities of the oscillating states in which Donald Trump he lost the American elections. So far, so well known.

Accusations in Pennsylvania: Rudy Giuliani speaks of over a million illegal votes

But then he lies Rudy Giuliani just really going. According to The Daily Beast, the attorney headed by Donald Trump in court in the US state Pennsylvania indicated that a large number of votes cast were illegal in the state. The numbers that Rudy Giuliani nominated during the court hearing, it ranged between 680,000, 770,000 and as many as 1.2 million illegal votes. “Your Honor, we are concerned that Mickey Mouse will also fill out these forms,” ​​said the president’s attorney Donald Trump in court.

Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani: Instead of evidence, he presents conspiracy theories

Hard evidence could Rudy Giuliani the court in the US state Pennsylvania do not submit for this alleged election fraud. But why provide evidence when you can also bring in rumors from dubious sources claiming that as early as 1960 Chicago Mayor Richard Daley sabotaged the presidential election to kill Democrat John. F. Kennedy in office.

Pennsylvania Attorney Rudy Giuliani: “Unworthy of an American Court”

Clear words for this from Rudy Giuliani in court in the US state Pennsylvania organize the posse, at least that was the opinion of Mark Aronchick, a councilor for the Philadelphia district. “This is not worthy of an American court,” Aronchick said. And he said, “Can you imagine anyone who could understand a court decision, 680,000 – or, Mr Giuliani afterwards – even declare 1.2 million votes illegal on the basis of nothing but a complaint? “(Joel Schmidt)

List of headings lists: © Sophia Kembowski / dpa

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