These are the new questions of the popular consultation approved by the National Assembly of Venezuela for the departure of Maduro


The incumbent president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, at a citizens' assembly in Caracas
The incumbent president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, at a citizens’ assembly in Caracas

The team of Juan Guaidó this Thursday modified the questions of the popular consultation to be held between 5 and 12 December and expanded them to three, instead of the initial two.

The interim president met with the democratic forces of the opposition during the month of September, to propose a series of guidelines by which his administration seeks join forces to end the usurpation of Nicolás Maduro in power and achieve political change for the South American nation.

Among the proposals put forward by the interim government, that of the carried out a popular consultation with Venezuelan citizens who are both inside and outside the national territory on the mechanisms to be used to finalize the departure of the regime of Nicolás Maduro.

This consultation is based on three specific questions with which the interim seeks to receive the support of Venezuelan sovereignty to be able to act on the basis of popular support and obtain Maduro’s departure.

The first of the questions, approved by the majority of the opposition in Parliament, consults Venezuelans if they demand “the cessation of the usurpation of the Presidency by Nicolás Maduro and demand free, fair and verifiable presidential and parliamentary elections”.

The second of the questions reads: “Do you reject the December 6 event organized by the Nicolás Maduro regime and ask the international community to ignore it?”

The majority of the opposition will not participate in these elections because they consider them a fraud, because The members of the National Electoral Council (CNE), which had to call the elections, were appointed by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of the dictatorship and not by the Venezuelan Parliament as it corresponds constitutionally.

Guaidó greets his followers in the company of his wife, Fabiola Rosales
Guaidó greets his followers in the company of his wife, Fabiola Rosales

Finally, the third asks citizens if “they order the international community to take the necessary steps to activate cooperation, support and assistance that will allow us to save our democracy, face the humanitarian crisis and protect people from crimes against humanity”.

Before the three questions, citizens will be able to answer “yes” or “no”.

Those questions were approved by the National Assembly chaired by Guaidó.

Meanwhile, Luis Almagro participated this Thursday in a virtual conference organized by think tank North American Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), in which he addressed several questions on the Venezuelan crisis. During his nearly seven-minute speech, he reiterated his rejection of the parliamentary elections called by the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro, expressed his impression about the popular consultation raised by the interim government of Juan Guaidó, and warned of the consequences of “a normalization “of relations with the Chavista regime.

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro
The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) began his participation in the forum by saluting James Story, who was named the first U.S. ambassador to Venezuela in a decade. Moreover, Guaidó underlined “for his efforts, his tireless struggle for democracy in Venezuela at great risk of his life, of his freedom”.

Regarding the parliamentary elections called by Chavismo for December 6, considered fraudulent by the opposition and by much of the international community, Almagro said: “We cannot have the slightest doubt that we must reject the elections of December 6 from the beginning, because obviously they will be rigged with all the electoral processes from 2015 to today, when the dictatorship loses the National Assembly”.


Almagro rejects the elections called by Chavismo in Venezuela: “The legitimacy of the National Assembly is not at stake”

About 500 Venezuelans attempted to cross the border by force to return to their country from Colombia

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