US election review of 2020 confirms Biden victory in Georgia – News


US election review of 2020 confirms Biden victory in Georgia – News – SRF

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  • US President Trump now he wants one too Recount some votes in the state of Wisconsin to leave. The president continues to refuse to acknowledge his defeat.
  • Newly elected president Joe Biden meanwhile he puts his team together. He wants to reverse various Trump decisions on the first day of his term. The fight against the crown pandemic is particularly important to him.
  • At the end of last week, the last remaining states were counted. Georgia goes to Biden, North Carolina to Trump. Biden wins the election with 306 voters, Trump has 232.
  • The Democrats defend their majority in the House of Representatives. Which party will have the majority in the Senate will be decided in a second ballot for the two Senate seats in Georgia in January.
  • All results at a glance
  • All news and basic information are available at

The ticker starts at 5:44 am

  • 6:14

    Trump’s attorneys get involved in conspiracy theories

    Donald Trump’s attorneys are diving deeper and deeper into conspiracy theories in their attacks on the outcome of the lost presidential election. In a press conference they claimed, among other things, that the Democrats had manipulated the elections with the help of the communists of Venezuela. They also insist on repeatedly refuted allegations that the software used in the count converted the votes for President Trump in favor of his victorious challenger Joe Biden.

    Trump’s team of lawyers told the media that in the face of pending proceedings, it was not possible to present evidence to support the allegations. Furthermore, prominent witnesses did not want to appear before the general public.

    All the electoral authorities have so far confirmed that there have been no electoral frauds or major errors that could put the election result into question. On Thursday alone, Trump’s side lost in court cases in the states of Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona. Trump’s side has garnered more than 30 court slaps so far, with little success. Trump’s longtime attorney and confidant Rudy Giuliani filed further lawsuits.

    We cannot allow these scammers to steal elections from Americans.

  • 5:59

    Review in Georgia: Biden’s election victory confirmed

    Joe Biden was confirmed as the presidential election winner of the US state of Georgia. His lead over incumbent Donald Trump is 12,284 votes, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Thursday evening.

    Before the manual review of about five million ballots began, Biden was ahead with about 14,000 votes. The drop is not surprising: a few days ago it was discovered that the electoral commissions in two republican-government districts had forgotten to include several thousand counted votes.

    Raffensperger stressed on local television that no evidence of election fraud was found. Trump can still request a recount because the gap between candidates is less than 0.5 percentage points.

  • 5:58

    The most important of the night

    • United States President-designate Joe Biden said he had completed his appointment to the Treasury. He wants to announce his decision for the key department, which must then be confirmed by the Senate, on Thanksgiving day or after.
    • Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton harshly criticizes Donald Trump. It is not the American system, but the president still in office who is responsible for the difficulties in the field of democracy and the rule of law.
    • Rising unemployment will challenge future US President Joe Biden. More than 22 million jobs have been lost due to the corona pandemic, so far only 12.1 million have been recovered. Due to the growing number of infections, businesses in different regions face new restrictions.

    Read more about events in the United States here.

Sources: SRF and agencies

SRF 4 News, 19.11.2020, 17:00

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