Pandemic in the United States: California imposes a curfew and Mike Pence speaks of trust


As of Saturday, nearly 40 million people in California will no longer be able to travel at night. Despite the dramatic increase in the number of crown cases, US Vice President Mike Pence sees the United States on track.

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Corona USA Hotspot: Since the beginning of November, more than 100,000 new infections have been detected every day.

US Corona Hotspot: Since the beginning of November, more than 100,000 new infections have been detected every day.


US Vice President Mike Pence said Thursday, “Cases and the positive rate are increasing across the country.  But we are approaching this moment with the confidence of experience and we know that the American people know what to do ».

US Vice President Mike Pence said Thursday: “Cases and the positive rate are increasing across the country. But we face this moment with the confidence of experience and we know that the American people know what to do ».


California surpassed one million known corona infections last week.

California passed the one million known corona infections last week.


  • A nightly curfew will apply in California on Saturdays.

  • Meet nearly 40 million people.

  • US Vice President Mike Pence sees the US on track despite the dramatic increase in the number of cases.

California is introducing a nighttime exit restriction due to the increase in the number of crowns. Residents are expected to stay home between 10pm and 5am. This was announced Thursday by California Governor Gavin Newsom. “We are sounding the alarm,” the Newsom statement said. The spread of the virus must be stopped and the burden on hospitals must be reduced before the death rate increases.

The order is expected to go into effect on Saturday and initially run for one month. Most districts of the west coast state are affected by a rapidly increasing number of crowns. Nearly 40 million people live in California. This strict requirement now applies to a good 94% of the population.

Last week, the most populous state in the United States passed the 1 million mark of known corona infections.

“Trust in experience”

Meanwhile, incumbent US Vice President Mike Pence sees the US on track despite the dramatic increase in the number of corona cases in the pandemic. “Cases and the positive rate are increasing across the country. But we are approaching this moment with the confidence of experience and we know that the American people know what to do, ”Pence said Thursday at a press conference by the White House Crown Working Group. The incumbent President Donald Trump was not there.

“America has never been as well prepared to fight this virus as it is today,” Pence added, referring to the expansion of testing, the availability of protective equipment and advances in vaccines, which may be available in a few. weeks for particularly vulnerable people. added.

In the United States, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, more than a quarter of a million people have died in connection with an infection since the start of the pandemic – nowhere else in the world are there so many known corona deaths. Since the beginning of November, more than 100,000 new infections have been detected every day. The daily average was the latest at around 150,000.

Fauci invites the population to vaccinate

Dr. Deborah Birx made it clear to the White House that more and more people were being tested, but the percentage of positive tests had increased significantly. Trump attributes the high number of crown cases in the United States to the large number of tests carried out. More than 11.6 million infections have been proven. Birx warned, “Every American needs to be vigilant right now.”

Immunologist Anthony Fauci urged Americans to follow “simple” measures to prevent infection: wear masks, keep your distance and avoid crowds of people. He also called on the population to get vaccinated as soon as vaccines are available.


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