Leaked Corona virus report from the White House has raised the world


In the White House report leaked to the world press, the message was given that the situation will worsen with the outbreak of the coronavirus.

A report leaked by the White House after the pandemic that has deeply shaken the whole world and our country, warns that the coronavirus epidemic will worsen in the country and the measures will not be sufficient.

While Joe Biden, who secured the presidency in the November 3 election, was prevented by the administration of President Donald Trump, who rejected defeat, he is also concerned that this confusion will increase the size of the epidemic.

In the US, while the loss of life in the coronavirus pandemic exceeds 250,000, the number of cases is approaching 12 million. In an internal report by the task force created to fight the epidemic at the White House, he warns that there is a “hard, inexorable and widespread spread across the country, and this process is getting worse rather than better.”

According to the Guardian, the report, widely covered by the media, says that “current mitigation efforts are insufficient and measures need to be stepped up.”

According to data shared by Johns Hopkins University, the number of people who died in the country where 1,707 people died from the coronavirus on Tuesday alone is projected to exceed 400,000 in March, according to some models.

A White House official who spoke to the Associated Press (AP) news agency on condition of anonymity said the task force’s efforts to slow down the spread “were inadequate and measures to flatten the curve had to be stepped up. epidemic”.

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