Crown and private occasions – How a marriage with 55 people led to 177 infections and 7 deaths


The neglect resulted in a major event with numerous fatalities in the US state of Maine. Explosive: None of the hospitalized or deceased were at the wedding.

Crown measurements were not observed - more than 50 people celebrated at the Big Moose Inn on August 7.

Crown measurements were not observed – more than 50 people celebrated at the Big Moose Inn on August 7.

Photo: Robert F. Bukaty (AP / Keystone)

It was a sunny Friday in early August in Millinocket, Maine. Perfect time for the happiest day in the life of the couple. After the ceremony in a Baptist church, the 55 guests stopped at a hostel about a 20-minute drive away. The occasion was to be the superspreader event with 177 new infections. Seven people are hospitalized for Covid-19 disease and seven die. None of these people were among the wedding guests.

The state agency for disease control, the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (MeCDC), brought together the Millinocket corona outbreak Message rebuilt. You have come to the end: the wedding guests did not respect the prescribed crown measures, and some infected people continued to walk despite symptoms to work.

No guest list maintained

On August 7, 55 people gathered for their wedding dinner at the Big Moose Inn, a hostel in western Maine. There were five more than the state would allow. In the hostel, all guests sat at tables of four to six people. The temperature of each guest was measured at the entrance. No anomalies. Inside, signs indicated the mask requirement and other protective measures such as keeping distances. According to the MeCDC report, however, only staff adhered to these guidelines.

A list of all participants has been created for contact tracking midwifenfalls not led. The MeCDC obtained information on the exact number of guests from a person who attended the wedding. However, this had no contact daten the other Informed guests, writes the epidemic authority. Infections in relation to marriage had to go through the so-called Tracking backwards Being determined.

People continued to work for several days despite symptoms

The MeCDC interviewed people who had been verifiably infected or people with typical corona symptoms. It was about when their symptoms started and whether they had been at an event since the symptoms started or if they had had a positive corona test.

As an index patient, the MeCDC identifies a person in the area who isone day after attending the wedding Symptoms had. The person did not receive a positive test result until August 13. It is not clear when it was tested. The bride and groom and their families were in California prior to the wedding, but after entering the country they took a crown test, which came back negativefell. The first two infections were detected five days after the wedding; tested two people who had had fever, cough and sore throat.

Starting point of a major corona epidemic in the state of Maine: The Big Moose Inn near the village of Millinocket.

Starting point of a major corona outbreak in the state of Maine: The Big Moose Inn near the town of Millinocket.

Photo: Robert F. Bukaty (AP / Keystone)

In the days following the wedding, more and more people were infected. The MeCDC was able to trace approximately 30 (potential) infections at the event in the period from 7 August to 20 August. These were the people who were present at the wedding. The authority was able to bring another 27 cases in connection with the marriage. Only 10% of previously infected people were asymptomatic, that is, they did not show any symptoms.

In the next course there were also infections in a care facility, a correctional institution and a school. In most cases, the virus was introduced by an employee who attended the wedding. Some people continued to work for several days despite symptoms. Six of the seven deaths occurred in the aforementioned care facility, another according to the relationship between the wedding guests or their contact persons.

The number could be even higher

By September 14, investigators had tracked down 177 infections at the August 7 wedding. As there is no list of all the guests, the number could even be higher, the authors write. Furthermore, the outbursts of the crown in the other structures could not be unequivocally traced back to marriage. Employees may also have been infected on the outside.

Based on the findings, MeCDC investigators recommend avoiding large gatherings, adhering to crown measurements, and staying home if symptoms occur. The authors recommend that people who have had contact with infected people should be tested. “Close contacts should go into automatic quarantine for 14 days, regardless of the presence of the typical symptoms of Covid-19”.


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