COVID-19: Nearly one million people have been vaccinated in China – News


Liu pointed out in an interview released today by the local press that “the vaccine has been tested on nearly a million people” and that “only a small group has had minor adverse effects”.

The official added that “diplomats and students who have traveled to more than 150 countries have not tested positive for the coronavirus after being vaccinated”.

On July 22, China authorized the use of candidate coronavirus vaccines for some exceptional cases, such as “protection of health care personnel, prevention program personnel, port inspectors and public service officials.”

Although Liu did not specify whether the vaccine tested was Sinopharm in all cases, he indicated that this group is about to complete the third phase of clinical trials, carried out in ten countries, with the participation of about 60,000 people.

“We finished collecting the blood of 40,000 people 14 days after receiving the two injections needed for the vaccination. The result is very good,” he said.

Chinese authorities have not disclosed when they will be able to commercialize vaccines on a large scale, but the director of the National Health Commission Science and Technology Development Center, Zheng Zhongwei, indicated in late October that the Asian country plans to produce 610. millions of doses before. of the end of this year and 1 billion in 2021.

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