Australian soldiers are believed to have committed war crimes in Afghanistan


According to an investigative report, Australian soldiers committed war crimes while serving in Afghanistan. 25 members of a special unit killed at least 39 prisoners or civilians “illegally”, Australian defense forces chief Angus Campbell said in Canberra Thursday when he released a report on Australian soldiers’ behavior in the war in Afghanistan. A “shameful balance sheet” of a “self-centered warrior culture” was revealed. The results pointed to “the most serious violations” of military behavior and professional values. Campbell apologized to the Afghan people “for any wrongdoing on the part of Australian soldiers”.

For the report, the Inspector General of the Australian Armed Forces followed up on indications of unlawful killings and violations of international martial law between 2005 and 2016. More than 400 witnesses were heard and investigations began in 57 cases.

The soldiers ignored the rules

The report outlines a culture of “toxic competitive thinking” within the task force that has led some soldiers to shorten procedures, ignore and bend the rules, Campbell said. None of these “illegal killings” happened “in the heat of the moment”. “Every person we spoke to during this investigation understood the international law of war and the rules of engagement under which they were employed.” This provides “credible information” to support the claim that Australian soldiers killed “illegally”.

Campbell said some of the 25 suspected soldiers were still serving in the military. Younger soldiers were forced to shoot a prisoner to carry out the first kill as a soldier. Evidence was also found showing that the soldiers tried to cover up the crimes. They placed weapons, radios and grenades next to the bodies of Afghan civilians to make it appear that they were “enemies killed in battle”.

Organized criminal investigation

It has been recommended that 36 cases involving 19 people be referred to the Australian Federal Police for criminal investigation. Furthermore, the victims and their families should be compensated. Campbell said he “will work with the Afghan government as soon as possible” to develop a compensation plan.

Afghanistan’s Independent Human Rights Commission welcomed the initiative to address suspected war crimes. The commission will provide further evidence of possible violations of international law within its capabilities, it said in a communication published Thursday.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced last week that a special investigator will investigate alleged war crimes committed by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan and bring those responsible to justice. He had prepared his compatriots for hard-to-face revelations, not just for active soldiers and veterans.

Australia sent troops to Afghanistan after the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. There are currently around 1,550 soldiers in the country.

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