The network of lawyers that assisted Brazil’s largest criminal gang falls


The Police and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of São Paulo carried out 13 prison orders and 23 raids against the “legal cell” of the CCP, the powerful organization that emerged in the 1990s in the prisons of São Paulo and devoted mainly to drug trafficking.


Brazilian authorities dismantled this Wednesday 18-N network of lawyers who helped leaders of the First Command of the Capital (CCP), the country’s largest criminal faction, mediated in paying bribes and acted as messengers for the gang, including other functions.

The Police and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of São Paulo carried out 13 prison orders and 23 raids against the “legal cell” of the CCP, the powerful organization that emerged in the 1990s in the prisons of São Paulo and dedicated mainly to drug trafficking.

According to the investigation, the CCP has hired a number of lawyers to bypass prison controls, since some of their leaders are in jail, and to be able to communicate with the rest of the released gang members in order to continue developing their businesses. illicit.

They started using this method after several drug lords of the gang were transferred to federal maximum security prisons in Porto Velho, Mossoró and Brasilia on February 13, 2019.

“The main purpose of the transfer was to prevent faction leaders from continuing to issue orders from within prisons,” the Public Ministry said in a statement.

At least one of the members of the upper echelon, nicknamed “Armani”, has hired lawyers from various regions of Brazilian territory “with the main purpose of allowing the leaders of the jailed CCP to continue communicating with faction members in general,” according to the prosecutor. .

“Through face-to-face appointments, the hired attorneys brought information to the leaders and received orders that had to be passed on to other criminals,” he added.

The lawyers have also brokered the payment of bribes to police officers, demanded payment of debts and even broadcast “death threats” from the organization’s commandos.

The involvement of the defenders reached such an extreme that at times they “got involved in disputes that were resolved by the faction’s disciplinary system.”

The CCP is considered the most powerful criminal faction in Brazil and has expanded its drug trafficking networks across the country as well as overseas in recent years.

The group is allegedly led from the prison by Marcos Willians Herbas Camacho, aka “Marcola”, who is being held in a maximum security prison in Brazil.

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