The case of xenophobia against Rappi’s domicile in Peru


An outrageous case of xenophobia occurred in Peru and was filmed: a man, upset by a problem with his order, verbally assaulted a Venezuelan domiciliary.

The local newspaper La República identified the outraged Rappi worker as 23-year-old Junior Ramírez.

In the images, which took place in Miraflores (Lima), the subject is observed while he treats the house badly.

Customer: I’m not breaking this shit

Domiciliary: Just don’t receive it. I will send to cancel the order, I don’t really know what the support will do, if they will return the money within 15 or 20 days.

Customer: Why are you so idiotic to carry things?

Domicile: Dude, I’m explaining

Customer: What are you explaining to me? You’re a poor idiot, idiot, how are you going to break things. You should have a plastic bag.

From that moment on the man becomes even more aggressive: “You’re guevón, I’m sick of you, I want to beat you $ #% and you ruined my lunch. You don’t understand? Talk, asshole. Do you have any problems? Do you want me to send you a combo to your fucking country? Answer me, I’m angry, answer me son of p $% #, tell me something “.

Through social networks, thousands of people have condemned the customer’s xenophobic attitude. Meanwhile, La República managed to talk to the victim.

“When I arrived I started putting together my biosecurity protocol and – when I go to take the order to place it on the counter – it turns out that it had been beaten from a corner due to humidity, because the cardboard bag is biodegradable . When I pick it up, the bottle comes out to the side, nothing broke, the only thing that came out was the soda. So I tell the porter to call the man to go down, because the customer said to leave him at the reception, but I wanted to explain the situation to him “Ramírez said.

And he added: “The man gets out, I show him his product and one of them passes over me, starting to insult me. So I take out my cell phone and start recording it. I thought the man would hold back a little with this, but no. When the man starts to come on me, I go back and push me against the stairs; I don’t know if he meant to hit me or not ”.

The Venezuelan ambassador to Peru has announced that they will provide the necessary advice to his compatriot to file the respective complaint.

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