Trump’s latest blow to his supreme rival. It hit intelligence directly


Donald Trump’s decision comes after a period of tension between the two sides. These new sanctions imposed by the US Treasury Department are the latest actions in the “maximum pressure” campaign on Iran led by President Donald Trump’s administration, which – according to estimates after the November 3 presidential election – will end its term in two months.

The treasury says the measures target the Khamenei-controlled Bonyad Mostazafan (Foundation of the Oppressed) charity network, as well as 10 people and 51 entities associated with it. The charity with economic, cultural and welfare ramifications has amassed huge fortunes, in contrast to the rest of the Iranian economy, and now controls hundreds of businesses and property confiscated after the 1979 Iranian Islamic revolution.

“Iran’s supreme leader is using Bonyad Mostazafan to reward his allies under the guise of charity,” said Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. “The United States will continue to revolt against important officials and sources of income and allow the regime to continue repression against its own people,” he added.

Not even the secret service minister escaped

The Treasury Department also decided to impose sanctions on Iranian intelligence minister Mahmoud Alavi, whose institution is accused of serious human rights violations against Iranians, including during the 2019 protests. The crackdown a year ago was one of the worst. bloody, if not the most brutal, since the Iranian revolution four decades ago.

Last year, Reuters reported that in just two weeks since the riots in Iran last year, some 1,500 people have been killed. The report was provided to the agency by three officials from the Interior Ministry in Tehran, saying that among the victims were at least 17 teenagers, 400 women, as well as members of the security forces and police. The ministry said there were only 225 deaths. The protests erupted after it was announced that the price of fuel would increase by up to 200% and the extra income would be used to help poor families.

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