his former partner also allegedly gave him a stroke


The total refusal caused the cruel aggression suffered by Sandra Pizarro Jerie, a physical education teacher and mother of two children, who at this moment is in a delicate state of health, struggling between life and death.

The 45-year-old woman was found unconscious on Friday 13 November in her apartment in the city of San Felipe (Valparaíso region, Chile) by her relatives after three days of non-contact with her.

She was immediately transferred to a nearby hospital where she was diagnosed with various head bruises that resulted in a stroke.

Her relatives accused the woman’s former partner of this brutal beating. His brother Felipe told a local media that “he apparently beat her unconscious and now she has a stroke. He has little chance of life but we will not lose hope ”.

She also added that she felt her sister was sad after being with her for a few days.

The woman had contact with the alleged attacker due to a pet they have in common and the man already had a history of domestic violence.

“Apparently they still talked because they had a little dog in common and that seems to be the link for this man to get into their apartment,” said Sandra Pizarro’s brother.

The prosecutor of the case, Andres Gallardo, is investigating the incident together with the Homicide Squad to clarify this reprehensible attack. The first thing that was done was “the seizure of species, videos, telephones, documents and statements of employment”.

“The relatives of the victim have a suspicion of the victim’s former partner, so the Prosecutor, in the interest of the principle of objectivity, is investigating this line of investigation as well as others. To date, we cannot exclude or affirm the participation of this or any other person in the commission of events, ”added Gallardo.

The reprehensible act provoked demonstrations this Tuesday with the slogan #JusticiaparaSandra in front of the San Camilo de San Felipe hospital, where Sandra Pizarro is seriously ill.

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