Not all is well for Russian President Putin … ‘He worries a lot’


Putin evaluated the Kovid-19 cases in the country during his meeting with members of the government.

Stating that the epidemic situation in the country is not “simple”, Putin said: “The situation is difficult in some regions of Russia. Cases are on the rise. We see it from the numbers. Unfortunately, the number of patients with severe conditions is also increasing. The increase in the death rate is very worrying. ” He spoke in the form.

Putin stressed that the situation should not be presented differently: “It is absolutely unacceptable to pretend that everything is fine. We do not need reports that show the situation as if it were good here, in the center or in the regions.” She said.

Pointing out that there are problems in some pharmacies such as lack of medications, late arrival of doctors to Kovid-19 patients and severe outpatient patients, Putin stressed that these problems should be resolved “immediately”.

Stating that the results of the Kovid-19 test were obtained within 48 hours, Putin drew attention to the importance of shortening this period.

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Russian Health Minister Mihail Muraşko said that 221,000 Kovid-19 patients have been treated in the country’s hospitals, “10% of them are in serious condition. About 5,000 Kovid-19 patients are also connected to respiratory devices”. She said.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said 81% of the beds reserved for Kovid-19 patients in the country are full.

Recalling that the “EpiVakKorona” vaccine candidate developed by the Vector Research Center had been previously registered, Golikova said: “Today, after registration, clinical trials of the third phase of the vector vaccine have begun.” She said.

Golikova said 3,000 people will participate in the 3rd phase of clinical trials of this vaccine.

Noting that there are approximately 16.8 million students in Russia, Golikova said schools in 42 regions of the country have been closed due to the epidemic.


According to the statement from the Russian Center for the Control and Prevention of Coronavirus Infections, the number of cases of Kovid-19 has increased by 20,000 985 in the last 24 hours in the country, reaching 1 million 991,000 998, and the number of recoveries has increased. from 25 thousand 179 to 1 million 501 thousand 83.

With the deaths of 456 people from the epidemic in the country, the highest number of deaths per day was recorded, while the total number of deaths rose to 34,387.

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In the capital Moscow, the number of Kovid-19 cases has increased by 4,000 174 in the last 24 hours and the number of deaths has increased from 76 to 8,000.


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